border="0"> Snow Trapped Southern Girl

Friday, February 24, 2006

Its SPF Time....

Today's pictorial essay:

#1 Inside your nightstand (and for the record - I did not try to clean or hide anything but there is no telling what you find if you dig around..haha)

This is the nightstand (and its not cleaned off either - I absolutely hate cleaning my room - its a childhood issue I have yet to resolve)

Inside drawer #1

Inside drawer #2

#2 My favorite book:

Now this was a hard one for me because I do enjoy reading when I can find the time. I like almost anything written by John Grisham or Stephen King but this one is just one of my favorites....

The Collected Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

#3 My favorite Lamp: (which I have stolen from the daughter)

So there it is, a little glimpse into the world of Cheeky. Wanna play? Learn the rules and topics from Kristine at

Did ya play?

Posted byWendy aka Cheeky :: 9:33 AM :: 24 Singing with Cheeky

Sing with Cheeky