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Tuesday, May 16, 2006Sleepless NightsDon't ya just hate it when you wake up in the middle of the night wide awake? I have been awake since 2:30 am this morning. I was just laying in bed tossing and turning and staring at that little green light from the smoke detector. Finally, I just decided to get up. I came downstairs, turned on the TV and since there is nothing but crap on TV at this time of the morning I decided to at least try to get some work done. It is now 4:30 and I am still wide awake BUT I have read a ton of resumes, sent lots of emails and been extremely productive so I guess its not all bad. I know what is going to happen though, after I have lunch I am going to be so tired I will need a nap. Cheeky - who wants to turn on the radio and sing while she works but doesn't want to wake the house.