border="0"> Snow Trapped Southern Girl

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I am going on a vacay!

So the question has been asked - where am I going on vacay. Well, you know me - its gotta be someplace fun. We are going HERE! Manchild says he will ride most of the rides.....I am not so sure....but I hope he does.

We will be driving (about 12 hours but we are going to split it over two days and make teenage daughter share in the driving). We are going to stop halfway which is around Chicago and chill for the night and the finish up the drive the next day. We are not in a hurry. We are going to take our time and enjoy the trip. On the way back we will most likely spend the night in down town Chicago and check things out there too.

We will be gone from July 6 through the 11th. I am ready to go now.

Posted byWendy aka Cheeky :: 7:32 AM :: 9 Singing with Cheeky

Sing with Cheeky