border="0"> Snow Trapped Southern Girl

Friday, September 18, 2009

I always get sucked in.....

So last night I went and picked up the new Dan Brown novel The Lost Symbol. I haven't started reading yet. I want to. But, I know when I do I will not put it down and I can't do that during the week. I always get sucked in to stories when I read them. I have a pretty active imagination and can visualize the story and put myself there.

Most recently I have been reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels...I am up to book 4 and I LURVE them. I would be reading book 5 right now but....I don't have it yet and well that can cause a problem with reading....when you don't have the book.

Oh and what else do I get sucked in to? CRAFTINESS BABY and this weekend is the start of the crafty season for me. Scrapfest 2009 is this weekend and then it will time for Halloween and Christmas card making - Woot woot!!

Cheeky - who is off to get her craft on!

Posted byWendy aka Cheeky :: 4:58 AM :: 7 Singing with Cheeky

Sing with Cheeky