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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Let's try this again.....
Good thing I got all my Halloween cards done this weekend because my days of leisure are coming to an end....AGAIN! I have another temp position starting on Thursday. Its actually a temp to perm (they are expanding). I usually don't do temp gigs but I am filling in for a guy that is going on military duty so I will be there until April (and if it doesn't go perm then I can take the summer off again). The office is laid back, the people seem fun (they were laughing and cracking jokes during the interview - always a good sign) and the commute is really good. I will be recruiting for a company instead of a staffing firm (another plus). If it does go perm then I will be taking on some of the HR stuff too (which I miss doing).
So, I guess I will have to pack up Flash and the rest of his flamingo buddies to decorate my workspace (cube or office - I dunno yet).
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:30 AM ::
8 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Monday, September 29, 2008
Its a good problem and other random things
*I have a problem....but....its a good problem to have. See, it seems that the majority of my pants....are...well....TOO BIG!! Woot! Don't hate. I say majority because there were a few pair that I couldn't wear cause they had gotten too small but now they fit....and are on the verge of being loose. I have lost 30 pounds since the beginning of June and I am still losing. A pound or two a week. But still....I like having problems like this (beats the heck out of the rest of the things I am dealing with).
*Here is your movie review for the weekend. I went to see Eagle Eye over the weekend. I thought it was a good solid movie. Kept moving. Decent ending. Worth seeing in the theater.
*I swear my cat can tell time. Saturday morning he was dead asleep. I mean snoring asleep. Then he raised his head, in that sleepy way with his eyes barely open, looked at the clock and bolted down 3 flights of stairs screaming the whole way. Why? Because it was time for teenage daughter to get up for school (or so he thought) and he went down to wake her up - he didn't want her to be late. He hasn't grasped the concept of weekends. Kitty girl just looks at him and rolls her eyes.
*My weekend was pretty lazy. I did finish ALL of my halloween cards (woot!) and have a few extra so if you want on the list email me with your address. OR if your address has changed recently, make sure I have it updated. After finishing my cards I started playing around with a fall/turkey day theme. I need to work on my design for Christmas soon too. I have a stamp show to go to next weekend so I think I will work on my design after that - you know, in case I see something there that I MUST have.
*I made some killer meatballs and garlic mashed taters for dinner on Sunday. They were incredible. Manchild and I really enjoyed this meal. Its gotten harder to cook these days for just me and the kids since the teenage daughter read a PETA website a while back and is now a vegetarian. I have just decided that she either eats what I cook or makes her own food.
*Teenage daughter thought she was being sneaky and messed with my netflix queue. I discovered and quickly resolved that little issue. Nobody messes with my netflix.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:00 AM ::
10 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Friday, September 26, 2008
There is just something about clean sheets
So yesterday I was feeling domestic. I cleaned the house, vacuumed and dusted, and decided to change the sheets on the bed a few days earlier. Now usually, I change the linens on my bed on Saturday, but I was in the cleaning "zone" and did it a few days earlier.
There is something about the way the bed looks right after you put on nice clean sheets. So crisp and neat. Oh sure, you can make the bed after getting up but its just not as crisp as when you change the sheets.
In other news, Survivor started last night and I think I am going to enjoy this season. There are already a few people I want to smack - which always makes for a fun show. And of course I have a favorite. Yes, it should be an interesting season.
I have no real plans for the weekend.....any suggestions?
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:07 AM ::
6 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Netflix = my escape
With all the craziness going on in my life these days I have found little ways to escape - if just for brief periods of time. The first time I really was able to escape was with the Twilight book series - but that only lasted a week. Now its Netflix. I have been watching various television series (Yes Shell, I broke out of the crime dramas - can you believe it?). I look with anticipation for my next DVD in the mail. I recently upgraded my account so I could have them in constant rotation and I wouldn't have to wait the day or two in between. I usually watch them while I am down in my room crafting (and the halloween cards are coming along nicely).
How do ya'll escape - if just for a little while?
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:29 AM ::
7 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Monday, September 22, 2008
Two for one deal.....
The teenage daughter is leaving her two jobs for one. She is going to work for a new store opening up down the street. She will have an easy job and more $$ and more hours than the others. She starts orientation next week. Its retail so of course she is going to have to work the holidays but that is ok.
Other than that nothing particularly exciting going on. I have been working on some Halloween cards - woot!
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
4:15 PM ::
5 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Movie Weekend
So this weekend I saw a couple of movies. Man child and I went to see Igor on Friday night. Very cute. Better than I thought it would be. Yesterday, I went to see Burn After Reading. I was disappointed. I really didn't like the way it ended and for once I agree with a movie critic that said it was "dumb and dumber for smart people". It had so much potential but just didn't live up to it in my opinion. Brad Pitt did play a great role though. In my book it may be worth a rental but I wouldn't recommend going and paying theater prices for it.
Other than the movies I pretty much spent the weekend cleaning. Exciting I know. I am ready to start decorating for Halloween but I am refraining until at least October.
That's it....that's all I have for now. My blogging mojo seems to have gone on vacation. I think its time to come home - don't you?
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:29 AM ::
6 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I believe......
In the power of prayer. So much has happened this weekend (good and devastating and no I am not being dramatic when I say devastating) but I believe that if it weren't for all the prayers from ya'll, then things would be much much worse and so my friends for that I THANK YOU!
Now, I am sure you are wondering how the scrappy thing went.....well it was a HUGE personal success for me. I completed FIFTEEN PAGES.....let me say that again....FIFTEEN PAGES!!! I thought just having one page would have been tremendous but to do that many I was thrilled. I got lots and lots of goodies from the sponsors (scrappy stuff, t-shirts, umbrella, etc). Overall the event was great for me.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:59 AM ::
9 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Friday, September 12, 2008
Getting back on the horse
So today, I am going to do something that I haven't done since May of this year. I have had no desire to do it. I have tried and tried but just could never seen to do it but today I am. Today I am going to scrapbook!
Now ya'll know me, I love this stuff but since things have happened I just haven't been able to do it. But today starts the annual goodness that is Scrapfest at MOA and well I just wouldn't be me if I didn't go. So I am going. And then tonight, I am going to one of the various crop around town events where I will be surrounded by those that are scrapbooking and therefore I must scrap too.
If I am able to just complete one layout I will consider today a total success and it will be a huge step for me. I know for many of you this sounds sort of odd because you don't know what has happened and while I won't go into details lets just say that I have had a major life altering event and it has changed me (not for the better I might add). This is why I have been and continue to ask for your prayers so I can get through this. As a matter of fact, this coming week is going to be very stressful and very important (not because of the scrapping) and so pray it goes well.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:13 AM ::
9 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Today is a day we REMEMBER
Back in 2006 I was part of a project to remember the victims of the 9/11 tragedy. Today, in remembrance, I am reposting my original post from 9/11/2006 - I remember Edward Raymond Vanacore:
Reposted from 9/11/06:
As I began thinking about this post, a number of things came to mind. First of all, I couldn't help but think that this man was just a mere 3 months older than I am (almost to the day).
I began thinking of that morning and that I along with the rest of the world was going about my daily business. I had recently been laid off from my job and so I was at home. It was an absolutely beautiful day in NC and I had just hung out a load of laundry. I even smiled and thought to myself what a beautiful morning it was. Then all of that changed as I came in the house and turned on the TV. The first plane had just crashed and I was devastated. I had worked in the airline industry for a while and so this kind of news always got my attention.
I began to think that as I wrote about Edward I didn't want it to read as some sort of obituary. I wanted those that read this to think about the life that Edward lead. To remember that he was a person that had friends and loved ones, just like you or I.
Edward Raymond Vanacore was the youngest of 6 children. From the things I have been able to read about him, he was compassionate, he loved adventure, and he lived life to the fullest. I learned that he had one of those smiles that just made everyone around him happy. He was kind. Of all of the tennants that lived in his 10 floor apartment complex, Edward was the only one that would speak to the doorman everyday. That was just the kind of person he was.
He was an accomplished pianist and tenor sax player and played with the BC Bop Jazz Ensemble at Boston College where he received his Bachelors Degree graduated Magna cum Laude in 1994 and eventually earned his Masters of Science in Finance in 1995.
He had a taste for adventure whether it was jetting off to Spain or Portugal, or whitewater rafting in Colorado. Just a year and a half before 9/11 he realized one of his dreams and purchased a sunset orange Harley-Davidson. He would ride it in the rain or snow. Even though his parents were concerned for his safety, he always would call his Mom to let her know he was alright. He called her on that tragic day. Edward was a Vice President at Fiduciary Trust International on the 94th floor of 2 World Trade Center. He called to let her know that he was ok after the first plane hit. That was the last call she would receive from him.
Edward was not famous. He was not a superstar. But he was loved by friends and family and he like so many others that died that day, will be remembered. Please join me in remembering and visit the other tributes that are being posted today. You can find them by clicking the 2996 link in my sidebar.
Edward Raymond Vanacore, Age 29
Born: April 15, 1972 Died: Sept. 11, 2001
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:56 AM ::
7 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I really am color blind.....
I learned something new last week. When it comes to the races, I really am color blind. Now let me set the scene. Its Friday. I get my new copy of People Magazine and I am flipping through it and there is an article called The Black List about a new photo book of 25 famous African-Americans. I am just flipping through and there is when I see it. I did a double take. I looked at teenage daughter sitting beside me and said "well you learn something new everyday". There in the portraits was a picture of Slash. Now I have been a fan of Guns-n-Roses since my teenage days and I never ever once considered that Slash was African-American. Oh, I am sure that he had some sort of ethnicity to him but the thing was....I never even cared. I just considered him to be ....well....Slash! Now I know what you are saying, "just look at that hair" but that's just it - it never even dawned on me that he was anything other than Slash and I think that is a good thing.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:31 AM ::
11 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
We interrupt this post.....
See, once again, I have another post that I was going to do was interrupted by the teenage daughter. See, this morning she tells me about a goofy dream she had and she said "Mom, do you remember that song that goes.....". And of course I do. And of course it is now stuck in my head!
The song is the closing song from a TV show she used to watch when she was little. It came on Nickleodeon but shortly after she became hooked they stopped showing it. Luckily, we had a couple VHS copies of it so she could continue to enjoy it. The show was called Sharon, Lois, and Bram's The Elephant Show. And it was GREAT! Even as and adult I enjoyed this show. Now I have to dig around today and see if I can find that VHS for her (ok and me). Not sure if we still have it.
So since this song is stuck in my head - it shall be stuck in yours too. Come on and click it, you know you want to......
Skinnamarinkydinkydink. Skinnamarinkydoo. I - Love - You! Skinnamarinkydinkydink. Skinnamarinkydoo. I - Love - You! I love you in the morning and in the afternoon. I love you in the evening, underneath the moon. Skinnamarinkydinkydink. Skinnamarinkydoo. I - Love - You! Skinnamarinkydoo, I - Love - You -- Too!. (Boop, boop, ee-doo)
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:50 AM ::
12 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Monday, September 08, 2008
Thank You
To all those that have been praying for me. The situation has not changed since I wrote that post. So just keep praying.
I have a witty, funny little post that I am working on but its not finished so hopefully tomorrow I can give you a chuckle.
Thanks again for all your prayers.....Keep them coming.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:42 AM ::
2 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Friday, September 05, 2008
Just when you think.....
That it will get better, that the personal hell you have been living through is finally showing a turn for the better. Just when you think that you see that tiny little spec of light at the end of the tunnel......that is when the bottom falls out people.
I am not giving up. That is not who I am but I am saying I do need help and with that dear readers I am asking for your help. If you are of the praying mind, then I need you to hit your knees right about now. And if you are not of the praying mind then I ask that just this once say a prayer for me anyway.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:49 AM ::
10 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Thursday, September 04, 2008
What the deuce......
Kids are back in school for 2 days.....2 days and I get sick. Its just sinuses. Draining. My throat is killing me and my head is banging. Lovely. Going back to bed now.......
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:50 AM ::
4 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Oh no.....
The manchild had discovered hair gel.......but not regular hair no...he must have manly hair gel.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
9:16 AM ::
6 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Can I get a Woot Woot!??
Today is the day that every parent dreams of.....yes, today is BACK TO SCHOOL for the kiddies. Woot! Woot! I have a day of doing whatever I want to do! Well, I have a few "to do" items but for the most part its fairly free and I have so many options - I just love it!
One of my "to-do" items is that I have a phone interview for a new job. The work from home gig, while it was a sweet deal, just isn't working out right now. So, I am back in the market for something new. I think I am getting out of recruiting for a while (I am pretty burned out) and back in to full HR and that is what this interview is about - full HR. Its a local company (like 10 mins from the house) and so that is just about as good as work from home gig. So wish me luck. I also have another phone interview tomorrow with a law firm downtown. It will be a posh HR gig but it will be downtown and so of the two I think I want the local one more.
I may or may not have started working on some Halloween goodness to send out! And so if you are on "the list" and your addy has changed let me know. OR if you are NOT on "the list" and want to be let me know that too!
Cheeky who is singing a little ditty that has become tradition on the first day of school......
Spending my vacation in the summer sun, Gettin' lots of action and a lots of fun. Scorin' like a bandit 'til the bubble burst - Suddenly it got to be September First.
Woe is me, all summer long I was happy and free. Save my soul, the board of education took away my parole. I gotta go back, back, back to school again. You won't find me 'til the clock strikes three; I'm gonna be there 'til then... I gotta go back, back, back to school again. Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school again!
Geometry and history is just a pain, Biology and chemistry destroys my brain. Well don't they know that I deserve a better fate? I'm really much too young to matriculate.
Well mama please, your child's come down with a fatal disease. Mama said, "Come on you lazy bum now get your butt out of bed!" "You gotta go back, back, back to school again!" It's bye-bye fun, get your homework done, You better be in by ten, I gotta go back, back, back to school again. Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school again!
I got my books together and I dragged my feet, Then I saw this angel boppin' down the street. I said, "Hey, pretty baby, howsabout a date?" She said, "I'm going to school, and I can't be late."
Well, I can see, that look in her eyes was sayin' "Follow me," And I was caught - I thought of playing hooky, but on second thought, I gotta go back, back, back to school again. You won't find me 'til the clock strikes three; I'm gonna be there 'til then... I gotta go back, back, back to school again. Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school ... again!!!
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:38 AM ::
4 Singing with Cheeky