So, in honor of Hell's Kitchen I am singin a little Ohio Players....Fire (its the theme song ya'll)
Hey, now, huh-huh Hey, hey, hey, no, (ow, now) Hey, now, huh-huh Hey, hey, hey, no
Fire (uh) (uh) Fire (it's all about)(uh, uh) Fire (woo, woo, woo) Fire
The way you walk and talk really sets me off To a full alarm, child, yes, it does, uh The way you squeeze and tease, knocks to me my knees ‘Cause I'm smokin', baby, baby
The way you swerve and curve, really wrecks my nerves And I'm so excited, child (yeah), woo, woo The way you push, push let's me know that you're good (you're gonna get your wish) Oh, yeah
Fire (what I said, child, ow) Fire (uh-huh) Got me burnin', burnin', burnin' Got me burnin', burnin', burnin' (yeah) Got me burnin', burnin', burnin' (yeah)
When you shake what you got, and girl, you've got a lot You're really somethin', child, yes, you are When you're hot you're hot, you really shoot your shot You're dyn-o-mite, child, yeah
Well, I can tell by your game, you're gonna start a flame Love, baby, baby I'm not gon' choke from the smoke, got me tightenin' up my stroke Do you feel it, girl, yeah
Got me burnin', burnin', burnin'
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:32 AM ::
6 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I am tired...
Can't seem to want to wake up this morning. Which also means the brain isn't wanting to work maybe I will come up with some random stuff.
I am ready for the weekend. I have a spa day planned and I really need it. I have been holding on to my gift cert for a full day spa for several months now and its just about time to use it.
Oh I think I failed to tell you I saw Underworld: Rise of the Lycans last weekend and it was really good. If you are a fan of the series it stays true to the story. Victor is the same actor, Lucien is the same, and there is a big dude that dies in the first movie is in this one and it shows how he became a Lycan too. I really liked it. But if you don't like gory might not be for you.
I have a crafty project in mind. I think I may start working on it. I can't really talk about it because someone that reads this is getting it.
That is all I have for now.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:44 AM ::
5 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
That was the score last night at the wild game. Which I attended. And because I was one of the 18,568 people there I was also one of the 18,568 people that missed American Idol. If I missed something good ....don't tell me....I don't wanna know mmmmkay?
I will however be watching tonight and then on Thursday.....HELL'S KITCHEN BABY!!! Woot!!! TV is worth watching again.
MINNESOTA WILD ANTHEM We were raised With the stick And a pair of blades On the ice we cut our teeth We took our knocks In the penalty box Our mother was the referee
This sport was here Before we came It will be here when we're gone The game's in our blood And our blood's in the game Lay us down under A frozen pond
We will fight to the end We will stand and defend Our flag flying high and free We were born the child Of the strong and wild In the state the state Of hockey A big blue line runs around our state A line that can't be crossed The day they try to take this game Is the day the gloves come off
We will fight to the end We will stand and defend Our flag flying high and free We were born the child Of the strong and wild In the state the state Of hockey.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:36 AM ::
6 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Notice anything new around here??
You a new countdown thingy???? Seriously, it may be torture to wait that long.....tick tock tick tock.....
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:36 AM ::
5 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Monday, January 26, 2009
Time to share
So, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been using my crock pot quite a bit lately and I thought it was time to share one of the better recipes with you. I will give you the recipe as it is written....then I will tell you how I make it (don't ya'll remember I only use recipes as a guideline?). This is sorta of similar to the potato soup I shared a while back but not totally - which is why I said sorta similar......
Now keep in mind most of recent recipes have been from a light cooking cook book but I have managed to find ways to fatten it up a bit.
Ham and Scalloped Potatoes (Recipe as written)
1 1/2 lbs. of98% fat-free Ham cut into 8 pieces 8-10 medium potatoes peeled and sliced thin 2 onions peeled and thinly sliced 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 1 cup of fat free grated American or Cheddar cheese 1 can of 98% fat free cream of celery soup paprika
1. Layer half of ham, potatoes, and onions in slow cooker. Sprinkle with half of the salt and pepper and then half the grated cheese. 2. Repeat Layers 3. Spoon undiluted soup over the ingredients 4. Cook on low 8-10 hours or high 4 hours
OK now fat free is fine....but ummmmmm I didn't use the fat free stuff
My version
Big chunk of left over ham that I had frozen from Christmas cut up in chunks. Ummm enough potatoes for me to say "yeah that looks good" cut into big chunks...not sliced. salt and pepper to taste Onions - diced 2 cans of creamy soup (one celery and one chicken) 1 can of chicken broth to make it like a really thick soup
Cook all day. Then about oh I don't know maybe 1/2 hour before you wanna eat - throw in your cheese so it can get all melty.
Now that is one hearty meat and taters meal.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:50 AM ::
8 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I am off a day....completely off. I even moved my orientation schedule at work which means I spent all day TUESDAY in class and not Monday and now today is Wednesday.....I am confused.
Anywho.... Last night's AI....really. I am soooooo glad this is back. I needed it at this point in my life. And after AI is all over and done it means that Hell's Kitchen is not far behind.
OH and the dude that sang the Platters (and I lurves me some Platters...always have...just ask my Mommy, she'll tell ya LOVE LOVE LOVE the Platters) - OH I LOVED HIM....not just because he sang one of my fav songs OF.ALL.TIME. I just loved him. I hope he does well. I really really do!
If I were younger...I would so totally audition. I guess since I am an old fart I will just settle for "Don't Forget the Lyrics"....IF they will ever freakin call me.....geesh....what's a girl gotta do to get a call I need to start an email campaign???? Cause I will ya know.
Cheeky (who needs to go and exercise her "tra-she-uh" and sing a little Platters for ya......(man I really LOVE this song....yes, truly one of my all time faves....)
They asked me how I knew My true love was true I of course replied, something here inside Cannot be denied
They said someday you'll find All who love are blind When your hearts on fire, you must realize Smoke gets in your eyes
So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed To think they could doubt my love Yet today, my love has flown away I am without my love
Now, laughing friends deride Tears I cannot hide, hide So I smile and say, when a lovely flame dies Smoke gets in your eyes
Smoke gets in your eyes Smoke gets in your eyes Smoke gets in your eyes
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:55 AM ::
4 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Monday, January 19, 2009
Its a holiday
So I am being lazy.....I will be back to my regular posts tomorrow.
While I am away, here is a little ditty for ya.....
(Reporter): Hello, everybody, this is your action news reporter with all the news that is news across the nation, on the scene at the supermarket. There seems to have been some disturbance here. Pardon me, sir, did you see what happened?
(Witness): Yeah, I did. I's just standin' overe there by the tomaters, and here he come, running through the pole beans, through the fruits and veggies, nekkid as a jay bird. Ethel was over there by the jams, jellie, perserves and packels and I hollered over t' Ethel, I said, "Don't look, Ethel!" she dropped a whole jar of cumquats and fell back into the sweet midgets there but it's too late, she'd already been incensed.
Here he comes, look at that, look at that There he goes, look at that, look at that And he ain't wearin' no clothes
Oh, yes, they call him the Streak Look at that, look at that Fastest thing on two feet Look at that, look at that He's just as proud as he can be Of his anatomy He goin' give us a peek
Oh, yes, they call him the Streak Look at that, look at that He likes to show off his physique Look at that, look at that If there's an audience to be found He'll be streakin' around Invitin' public critique
(Reporter): Once again everyone this is your action news reporter once again, and we're here at the gas station. Pardon me, sir, did you see what happened?
(Witness): Yeah, I did. I's just in here gettin some air in my tares, he just appeared out of the traffic. Come streakin' around the grease rack there, didn't have nothin' on but a smile. Ethel was gettin' her a cold drink. I hollered, "Don't look, Ethel!" But it was too late. She'd already been mooned. Flashed her right there in front of the shock absorbers.
He ain't crude, look at that, look at that He ain't lewd, look at that, look at that He's just in the mood to run in the nude
Oh, yes, they call him the Streak Look at that, look at that He likes to turn the other cheek Look at that, look at that He's always makin' the news Wearin' just his tennis shoes Guess you could call him unique
(Reporter): Hello, once again, your action news reporter in the booth at the gym, covering the disturbance at the basketball playoff. Pardon me, sir, did you see what happened?
(Witness): Yeah, I did. Half time, I's just goin' down thar to get Ethel a snow cone. And here he come, right out of the cheap seats, right down the middle of the court. Didn't have on nothing but his high top Reeboks. He was a dribblin. Made a hook shot and got out through the concessions stand. I hollered up at Ethel, I said, "Don't look, Ethel!" But it was too late. She'd already got a free shot. Grandstandin', right there in front of the home team.
(Witness): Oh, yes, they call him the Streak (Here he comes again). Look at that here he comes again, look at that (Who's that with him?) The fastest thing on two feet (Ethel? Is that you, Ethel?) Look at that, look at that (What do you think you're doin'?) He's just as proud as he can be (You git yourclothes on!)
Of his anatomy He's gonna give us a peek
Oh, yes, they call him the Streak (Ethel! Where you goin'?) Look at that, look at that (Ethel, you shameless hussy) He likes to show off his physique (Say it isn't so) Look at that, look at that (Ethel! Ethelllllll!!!) Invitin' public critique
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
10:59 AM ::
3 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Friday, January 16, 2009
You know its cold
When they shut down school for cold.....two days in a row. Air temp is something like MINUS 22....can't even talk about the windchill.........
Now I must go put on multiple layers so I can let my car warm up for the next half hour.......
And ya'll laughed at me for calling this the frozen tundra.....
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
9:04 AM ::
8 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Can I get a refund?
I have to cancel my trip to Fantasy Island now..........
RIP Mr. Rourke......RIP....
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:44 AM ::
6 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
All is right with the world
American Idol has returned.........I have opinions and once we have our finalists - I will be sharing them (aren't you thrilled). I am not sure I like the new judge yet. It requires another viewing. However, Ryan Seacrest is really starting to get on my nerves. I am not sure WHY he bugged me so much last night....but he did.
So, in honor of the return of AI - I think its only fitting that I return to my singing as well. Now this little ditty comes to you from my childhood years. Even then...I had a sense of humor. This was one of my favorite songs and I still know the words to it even today.....many of you may not know it....if you do....sing along. Originally recorded by Benny Bell but made popular by Dr. Demento in the 70's
I have a sad story to tell you. It may hurt your feelings a bit. Last night when I walked into my bathroom, I stepped in a big pile of ...
Shaving cream, be nice and clean. Shave everyday and you'll always look keen.
I think I'll break off with my girlfriend. Her antics are queer I'll admit. Each time I say, "Darling, I love you," She tells me that I'm full of ...
Shaving cream, be nice and clean. Shave everyday and you'll always look keen.
Our baby fell out of the window. You'd think that her head would be split. But good luck was with her that morning; She fell in a barrel of ...
Shaving cream, be nice and clean. Shave everyday and you'll always look keen.
An old lady died in a bathtub; She died from a terrible fit. In order to fulfill her wishes, She was buried in six feet of ...
Shaving cream, be nice and clean. Shave everyday and you'll always look keen.
When I was in France with the army, One day I looked into my kit. I thought I would find me a sandwich, But the darn thing was loaded with ...
Shaving cream, be nice and clean. Shave everyday and you'll always look keen.
And now, folks, my story is ended. I think it is time I should quit. If any of you feel offended, Stick your head in a barrel of ...
Shaving cream, be nice and clean. Shave everyday and you'll always look keen.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:56 AM ::
5 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Its MINUS 16...
Air temp. Just a weeeeeee bit chilly. Traffic....I hear is horrible. So I am taking it easy this morning and just sorta hanging around a little before heading out.
I have also decided its time for a hair cut......but more on that later.....cause I need to go stand by the fire and warm up.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:22 AM ::
6 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Monday, January 12, 2009
Accentuate.....the Positive
Eliminate the negative....and latch on the affirmative don't mess with Mr. In Between.....
That's me. Life is dealing me a really tough hand right now.....but if 2008 taught me anything at taught me that I am one strong Cheeky and I ain't taking it no more. I am going to stare my demons in the face and dare them to mess with me..... go ahead demons....just try.....Cheeky is about to kick yo butt! I am NOT....let me repeat that....NOT about to spend 2009 like I did in 2008. Sure, there will be things that will knock me down but I am not staying down. And I proved that this weekend. Last year, I let life kick me in the gut and take the things that once brought me joy.....but not this time. 2009 tried....but I am not about to take it lying down so I did things this weekend that brought me joy.
AND with that being said.....I let my demons take my music (notice how long its been since I have sang on my blog.....) but not the words of Squeak from The Color Purple....."I's about to sang". I am gonna sing when I have joy and when I have has always been music that has brought me through and defined me. In 2008, I forgot who I was for a while......but not anymore. I am looking at life and saying "Is that all you've got?....cause you can't break me." I know how to dig deep, I know who and what I can depend on.
So thank you.....THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU....for all the heartfelt messages, and prayers and words of encouragement. They have meant more to me than I will ever be able to say. There will be days that I am down....but I will be DAMNED if they keep me down.
And with that being said.....let me give you a little weekend update.....
Conversations with the manchild as I was watching Grease (and yes...I know every single word...I can quote every line, every song...everything...from begininng to ending credits):
Cheeky: "Brusha, brusha, brusha! Get the new Ipana! With the brand new flavor - it's dandy for your teeth! Brusha... Brusha... Brusha - knock out, decay germs fast!"
Manchild: Mom, its hard to concentrate to eat when you know this WHOLE movie (insert eye rolling here)
Later in the movie
Cheeky (again quoting the movie) Uh, I'm not very hungry; just gimme a double Polar Burger wit' everything and a cherry soda wit' chocolate ice cream.
Manchild: Moooooooooom!!!!
Cheeky who says.....look out....cause I's about to sang!!!
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:50 AM ::
10 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
I have no words
I need to take a few days. I am at a loss for words. I am devastated. Just need a little time to regroup. If you have good vibes, prayers, thoughts, can you send them my way? They would sure be appreciated.
I will be back....just may take a few days. I promise not to stay away too long.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
9:09 PM ::
16 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Am I cranky?
So, yesterday was an OK Monday. Nothing exciting. Orientation was ok. Light class. Went well. But then, after orientation was through and I was getting back to the job at hand I couldn't help but feel.....well....cranky. I don't know why. I had been having a good day. Even as the rest of the day went on I found that I wasn't really taking any one's crap. I was a little more ....ummm "in your face" than usual today. But I didn't FEEL cranky. Even at the end of the day when my co-worker and I usually trade stories....I looked at her and said "I think I am cranky".
Now when I got home - again I didn't FEEL cranky but I guess I was......dunno. does that ever happen to you? You don't think you are cranky but turns out you really were?
Its going to be a busy Tuesday, I am ok with that. The phone will be permanently attached to my ear for about 5 hours of the day. What does your day look like?
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:01 AM ::
9 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Monday, January 05, 2009
Back to the day to day....
The holidays are over. And ya know what? I am ok with that. I am ready to get back to the day to day. This weekend was just the errands, clean the house, scrap a little. Tried another little something in the crock pot. O.M.G. Just call me the crock pot queen. Yes, before you ask, I am going to share the recipes...just not today (neiner neiner....). Seriously, ya'll know me. I use the recipes as guide and then add my own little twist. I can see myself adding to the bulge if this keeps up. YUMMY!!!!
I scrapped a little this weekend which was nice. I have finished ALL....let me repeat that....ALL of my valentine cards already with a few to spare (fellow card makers....don't be jealous). So, if you are not on the list....and feel left is the time to add yourself. Just let me know and I will add you to the list. Even you lurkers that NEVER comment...ya'll are a part of this too. AND I don't care if you are out of the country....I ship overseas too!
So, are ya'll ready to get back to the day to day?
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:03 AM ::
7 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Friday, January 02, 2009
B.I.N.G.O. and other random things did you spend your first day in the new year? I sorta hung out around the house and then went to the movies. First off, while hanging around the house I made another little creation in my crock pot and I have to say I was very very pleased. See, I got a new crock pot from Santa since my smaller one died early in the cold weather season (it was almost 18 years old had a good life). So, I got a book with hundreds of recipes for slow cookers and the fist recipe I tried earlier in the week was really good. And now the second one will be a repeat player in the Cheeky household too. I may be sharing these with you as well. Cause, well, they are just too good to keep for myself and some of ya'll live a wee bit far for me to invite over for dinner.
Now, the movie review. Manchild wanted to see Yes Man. It was better than I thought it would be. Typical Jim Carrey humor. I would say go see it at the theater if you really really want to go out and there is nothing better. Otherwise, wait for the rental. Its a solid rental.
So....what am I gonna do today? You are gonna laugh...but...I really don't care. I am gonna go to the casino and play me a little BINGO!!! Oh yes, I am. I have my dobber primed and ready to go....wish me luck!!!
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
9:50 AM ::
4 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Why why why
I have had just about enough of things standing in my way and making my life difficult. I just want to do one simple little thing and because of something/somebody else I can't. I don't think I am asking for too much.
I was going to update that blogroll over there.....and ya know won't let me. Apparently its been down since sometime in October and won't allow you to manage it. Of course, I never cared about it before so I never even knew there was a problem. But now that I want to fix one small little piece of my world....I hit a brick wall.
If this is how 2009 is gonna be...I am just gonna go back to bed for a year!
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
10:48 AM ::
5 Singing with Cheeky