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Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Memories are a funny thing.....
Funny how the smallest thing will bring the fondest memories. So I was watching TV the other night and AT&T has this new commercial using a song from the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Now I have seen this movie hundreds.....yes literally hundreds of times. I can quote it for you if you would like. But when I saw this commercial....and heard this song I immediately went to my childhood and was reminded of the first time I saw this movie. I was young...very young and staying with my Granny in Lincolnton, NC for a few days. I remember it was warm so it must have been the summer since I was out of school. She had cable TV (we didn't). And Willy Wonka was showing on HBO. I immediately fell in love with this movie from the first time I saw it. Sitting there, on her chair, drinking chocolate milk and being mesmerized. I am not sure I moved for the whole thing. When I saw the AT&T commercial all of the memories of that visit sort of flooded back and I smiled when I thought of my Granny.
Cheeky - who in honor of her Granny is singing......sing along with me.....