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Thursday, September 30, 2010
I must be losing my mind......
Why, you ask? Because, this Cheeky, who sooo enjoys sitting on her bootay and not exerting too much energy....(HA!) has been....wait for it....wait for it....RUNNING! I will wait while you pick yourself up from passing right out on the floor from that bit of news.
Back with me now? Good. Yep, I have been doing this little run/walk thing. I start out running....go as far as I can, then walk to recover then run again. Knowing myself, I thought that I would have started this little program and given it up within a week or two but noooooooo.....I have been pushing myself to go further and further each day before I walk and I have been walking for less time. In the beginning my endurance was really quite pathetic, but I can see fairly significant improvement and I am pretty amazed with myself. Me.....running - next thing you know I might start bending at the waist and actually doing a crunch or something. Now don't think that I am gonna turn into one of those physical activity nuts. If that happens you can go ahead and have an intervention or just have me committed because I will have totally lost my mind - HA!
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:15 AM ::
2 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thanks Scott.....Thanks a lot.....
So last Saturday night I was checking out some friend's facebook pages. I know, I am awful and I don't get around to seeing what everyone is up to as much as I should. Anyway, I stopped by my friend Scott's page. Now, Scott is a year or two younger than me but we rode the bus together and were buddies. On his page, he had a link to a show that completely took me back to my childhood. H.R. PufnStuf. LOVED that show as a kid. Really I liked just about all of the Sid and Marty Krofft shows. Sigmund the Seamonster, The Bugaloos, The Far Out Space Nuts, Shazam!, The Lost Saucer....all of them - so very great! So I started looking at long lost episodes on youtube. Yep, up all night watching them and just having a blast. Manchild of course just thinks I am nuts and kept looking at me funny as I would sing the intros to these shows. Funny how after all this time I remember every.single.word. To see these shows now - well they are just very cheesey and silly and FUN!
From there I started searching for other shows that I used to watch as a kid.....The Groovy Ghoulies (so silly), The Bay City Rollers....oh there are so many.
Cheeky - who wants to know, what were your favorite shows as a kid??
It has been entirely too long since I have posted. And I have missed it. I have been having a lot of great post ideas lately and just haven't sat down to write them out....until now.
But first let me get you all caught up on the happenings at Chez Cheeky of the South. Had a nice visit with teenage daughter in July and sent her back to MN. She started college in August and has adjusted quite well. There is a new boyfriend in the picture. I haven't been up to visit yet and not sure if I am going to make it before the holidays. She will be back here with us mid-December.
The manchild has been doing very well and quite frankly has surprised me. He had a good summer (made a new friend) and also started middle school (the 6th grade) in August. So far this year his grades are really really good. Sooooo much better than MN. Someone asked me if it was because the schools were easier here. I don't think so, I have seen a change in the manchild and a little more dedication in the school work department and I just think the teaching style is different (I know the attitudes are better). I hope he continues to keep it up.
The house is unpacked but not decorated completely. The kitchen is done except for finding a bistro table (can't find one I really like) and getting the tile up on the wall for my backsplash. The tiling will hopefully happen in the next couple of weeks.
The crafty room is unpacked and the mojo has returned. I am working full force with the Halloween cards and the Christmas idea is in progress. I don't have the luxury of having great crafty stores here in SC like I did in MN so I have been doing a lot of on-line ordering which is hard for me. I have to touch it, feel it and see it in person to really decide if I want it. Luckily, I did find a stamp show this past weekend and it was actually a pretty good one. I bought way too much but I did get a lot of ideas for future cards - woohoo!
The weather is cooling off a bit and I can tell fall is in the air. I love this time of year.
The next couple of weeks (months) are going to be busy busy busy which always makes for good posts.
Cheeky - who once again is back to the blogging where did my readers go?
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
5:44 AM ::
2 Singing with Cheeky