border="0"> Snow Trapped Southern Girl

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thursday Thirteen - Out with the OLD

Its that time of the week again. Time to come up with thirteen things where you learn all about me. Its the end of the year and that got me thinking that there are a few things I want to get done before the end of the year and ummm I don't have much time to do it so let me just get the list out and start checking them off....

#1 Get rid of the CRAP! There is disorganization EVERYWHERE and I just can't take it anymore. I want it cleaned out, put up, thrown away.....

#2 Get my car ready for winter. Now I know, its already winter but we really haven't had that much snow and when it snowed last week I was caught without my ice scraper and winter car mats. Need the get every thing in there.

#3 Print more pictures. I am going to a 12 hour scrap on Saturday and I don't have my pictures ready.

#4 Make the kids get semi-organized, whether they want to or not.

#5 Get past my current quest on Diablo. I have been playing this game for years - different characters, make new ones etc and I love it. My current character is stuck at a level and its kicking my bootay!

#6 Join the gym. Ya'll know how good I was doing this summer with my exercise and eating right? Well, I have slipped a little, not much, but a little and with it being so cold out doing the walk/run outside is not good. So I wanna join the gym and get started there. I want to go each day when my "story" (Y&R incase you wondered) is on so I can walk and watch at the same time.

#7 Copy my digital pics to a CD. They are all on the hard drive and we all know that ain't good.

#8 STOP SHOPPING (as much...hehe). Actually, its only been the holiday season that is bad. Looked at the finances and it is time to start building up that savings account. Although, I have to say, while we didn't save as much as we wanted this year, we did pay off EVERYTHING (except the house) so we are pretty much debt free.

#9 Schedule the man child's dental appt. After his cleaning last week it was discovered he needs to see a specialty dentist - he may need some dental surgery (AGAIN)...poor baby.

#10 The closet - if I haven't worn it in a year, or it doesn't fit - its outta here!

#11 Decide which room I am going to paint. I have options, just need to make a decision.

#12 Plan a trip. A little vacay.

#13 Clean out the brain and get it fresh for the new year (that comes tomorrow with my Random Friday post...woohoo).

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

Posted byWendy aka Cheeky :: 9:33 AM :: 7 Singing with Cheeky

Sing with Cheeky