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Friday, June 18, 2010
Finally! The drive took just over 21 hours and we arrived late Wednesday evening but it was totally worth every single minute of it! It rained for much of the drive. I think we hit rain in every state except Ohio and Kentucky.
On the drive I learned that I have failed the manchild as a parent. As we entered Tennessee he had a discussion with Mr. Cheeky about songs that have Tennessee in them. The first song that immediately came to Mr. Cheeky was Rocky Top. They called me (since I was driving my car and they were driving Mr. Cheeky's truck) and immediately I came up with Rocky Top. Manchild had no clue what in the world we were talking about. Epic failure on my part that my manchild, who was born in the south and spent his first 6 years there does not know about such things - every self respecting southerner should know Rocky Top. Well, let the education begin my son. You are about to become schooled in all things southern - past, present, and future.
The kitties did well on the trip - much better than was anticipated. It has taken them a little while to get used to the new house. Right now its still pretty much empty so everything echos. Kittygirl gets pretty nervous and jumpy but she is coming around. Fat Jack has been pretty vocal - I think he likes the sound of his voice as it echoes.
Our moving shipment was supposed to be here today - Friday. Got word yesterday that it will not be here until Saturday which totally screws up our weekend plans - but it is what it is. So the driver said he would be here at 8am to unload. Anyone wanna help UNpack? haha While we have been waiting on our shipment, I have been planning out the layout of the furniture and thinking about what I want for decorating. Its going to take some time. I am going to be very particular and wait to find just the right pieces - so the walls may be bare for a while - but that is OK with me. I want it right the first time around.
Cheeky who is off to do some more shopping and is singing......a little Rocky Top
Wish that I was on old Rocky Top Down in the Tennessee hills Ain't no smoggy smoke on Rocky Top Ain't no telephone bills.
Once I had a girl on Rocky Top Half bear the other half cat Wild as a mink but sweet as soda pop I still dream about that.
Rocky Top you'll always be Home sweet home to me Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top, Tennessee Rocky Top, Tennessee.
Once two strangers climbed old Rocky Top Looking for a moonshine still Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top Reckon they never will.
Corn won't grow at all on Rocky Top Ground's too rocky by far That's why all the folks on Rocky Top Get their corn from a jar.
Rocky Top you'll always be Home sweet home to me Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top, Tennessee Rocky Top, Tennessee.
I've had years of cramped up city life Trapped like a duck in a pen All I know is it's a pity life Can't be simple again.
Rocky Top you'll always be Home sweet home to me Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top, Tennessee Rocky Top, Tennessee.