border="0"> Snow Trapped Southern Girl

Monday, March 05, 2007

PSA and other stuff

So for the birthday, we went to see Zodiac (not bad I should say, very long movie so pee before you go in and don't drink anything or you might miss something - now I wanna read the book) and then went to B-dubs (not Texas Roadhouse but it wasn't my b-day so I will shut up about it now LOL).

Now for the PSAs:

#1 To the lady at the table next to us at B-dubs. Honey, we all know that you want to look your best when out on a date with a guy that quite frankly is kidding himself because he is gay. But please please please don't be putting your darker shaded lip liner way outside the lip line. In that area a little dab will do ya. I mean you looked like you had been sucking on a pig or something. Seriously ya'll when Mr. Cheeky notices something like this and then points it out to me then you know it had to be bad. He said she looked like Inspector Clousseau from the Pink Panther.

#2 To the guy who was the date of Miss "I don't know how to wear my lipstick". Dude, just admit it. You are gay. Your posture, the way you heald you cigarette, your body language everything screamed GAY! Now I don't care if you are or if you aren't (cause ya'll know I say to each his own), just admit it and move on mmmkay? I mean denial is sooooo 80's. (but I do love the 80's).

Yesterday was the man child's last day of hockey for a while. They had their tourney and got trophies and had a great time. It really was fun. They played music when the play stopped and between periods and had an announcer just like the "pros" (OK not really but it did make it fun). One really cool thing is that I did get to hear man child's name being announced. He didn't score but he did get the assist! After the tourney there was a pizza party with the team. I decided not to go to that and be tempted and went to the gym instead. Another 3.39 miles ALL.UP.HILL and 470 calories burned. Based on my intake, yesterday should have been a loss day for me.....(keep those fingers crossed).

Getting ready for the jamboree

The warm up

After 3 games - 2 back to back - whew...

Trophy time

The 2006/2007 Rogers Mites

I wil be putting more pics in flickr (you know that thing over there to your right) later today - or tomorrow when I get more time.

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Posted byWendy aka Cheeky :: 8:31 AM :: 8 Singing with Cheeky

Sing with Cheeky