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Friday, September 28, 2007
No tolerance for pain
Whew.....the pain has subsided just a bit. I can walk, just on my toes with a limp (yeah, its a sight - no I am not going to record it for you). So, let me recap the last 24 hours. I get to the docs office a little early because I knew I was going to have to complete all that paperwork. Well, I didn't even get sat down when they were calling me back (the empty waiting room should have been my first clue that they were on time - I know - a doc that is actually on time - amazing). So I go back, take off the shoe and sock and give Ted his last look around. Doc comes in, takes a look says "Yep we can take care of that". He told me what they were gonna do and within minutes we were getting started. The assistant had me lay on my tummy (or is it lie? I don't know this isn't grammer this is my recap of yesterday - geesh) so they could get to my heel better (plus I couldn't see what they were doing - I wanted to watch but it wasn't gonna happen). Then he asks me if I am allergic to numbing meds - my response "not that I know of". Then.....and I shudder to think about it, the first shot. The assistant tells me to keep my foot still while he was doing the shot - ummm yeah - right. At that point I almost called him a few choice words but didn't want to make the man with the needle mad so I just buried my head in the pillow and tried not to cry. After a few seconds he asked if I was ok and I said "the only thing I can say right now is that I am still alive". He said "well I guess you aren't allergic then". Yeah, he was a smart elect. A trait I usually like but not when you are sticking needles in my heel. He have me a few more shots just to make sure since the doc was going to have to go deep and wide to remove Ted.
In comes the doc. He and the assistant have some banter back and forth and within 15 minutes - I am done. Sweet. I am still numb so I am fine. Assistant asks me if I want to see it. I said, "considering he has been with me since July and I have named him - yeah I want to see him". I got a strange look from that comment. There he was, Ted was in what will be his last home. He was in a little jar just swimming around like he was on vacation or something. He was bigger than I thought - which means the doc had to go pretty darn deep (that was my first warning of pain to come). I was given instructions and told to be very careful not to rip the stitches because if I do, they can't redo it and although it will heal it will just take a really loooooong time. I was in and out of there in like 30 minutes - way cool! So, I am feeling fine, I sorta walk on my toe being careful as I get to my car.
Get home, have a bite to eat and put on my cute little flamingo socks that Agent M sent me (aren't they cute - just perfect for healing - she takes care of her Moneypenny - me incase you are wondering who Moneypenny is)....
and then......... the BAM!!! The numbing meds wear off all at once. PAIN! Serious PAIN! I walk, oh no I won't be walking. Not on my toes, not at all. I move and it hurts (so no I won't be moving). At this point all I want to do is cuss or hit something cause it hurts so bad. And to top it off I have NO pain meds - just over the counter crap. I don't know what I was thinking when I left the docs office and didn't ask for pain meds. Seriously, I didn't think it was going to be like this.
As the day progress, either the pain lessens a little or I am getting more accustomed to it, I can at least hobble for a few feet without screaming obscenities. I need food. I am NOT cooking. I decide I can at least hobble in and get some wings (I mean really, I have to be on my death bed not to want wings). So off to B-dubs (Mr. Cheeky dropped me off by the door and teenage daughter and man child walk beside me as I hobble just in case I need help - I guess I really must have looked like I was in pain or something) where I proceed to get my butt KICKED in trivia - not by some random stranger but by Mr. Cheeky and the teenage daughter - BOTH of them. I blamed it on being in pain and not being able to concentrate. Mr. Cheeky said that when they removed Ted they removed the trivia part of my brain. Yeah, I would have kicked him but my foot hurt. He will pay later.
The rest of the night was spent on the sofa watching Survivor and CSI and wearing my cute flamingo socks.
I have to go back in 10 days for a follow up and have the stitches removed. Because the hole where Ted took up residency was so big, there is going to be a little "pucker" at the end of the scar from where they had to pull the skin together. I can already tell its going to be there but its on my heel so who cares right?
So today, I am still taking it easy. It doesn't hurt as bad - only after I walk it starts to throb so I won't be doing a lot of walking.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:31 AM ::
14 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ted has left the building
But I am in pain - more pain than I anticipated. Too much pain to be witty (an absolutely NO pain meds) - I need to go cuss now - I will have more to say in my next post......
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
2:46 PM ::
11 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
You can beg and you can plead but my mind is made up
Ever since the doc signed Ted's walking papers yesterday (see update from last post), he has been a good little granuloma. He promises to be good and not bleed from here on out but I know those are just empty promises. He just doesn't want to be ripped out of the only home he has ever known. I see his little game. He has it all nice an comfy there. He has someone to clean him and baby him regularly. Well NO MORE! Ted my dear, tomorrow is your Independence day buddy!
With that being said I have to admit the thought of someone shooting needles into my heal then proceeding to cut a big ole hole out it just isn't my day of fun. Just how big? I dunno and I won't know until I get there. I don't like not knowing - its not a happy time.
Enough Ted talk - lets move on to something even more fun.....last night I made chili for the first time this fall season and it was just absolutely wonderful! Today I am wearing a new long sleeve t-shirt that Mr. Cheeky brought me from Texas - wanna guess what's on it - come on you Texas ladies - guess....That's right - he got me a Texas Longhorn's long sleeve T. Woot! Its a little on the big side (okay its 2 sizes too big) but I don't care. It makes it perfect for hanging out in the house in and when winter gets here, it will be perfect for layering clothes underneath.
I woke up in a grand mood this morning so I am going to grab myself a cup o joe and enjoy the morning before manchild has to get up for school!
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
8:31 AM ::
13 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wish me luck
Today is the day ya'll. Hopefully I will find out what is going on with the bloody heel. Appt. is at 11:30 central - will update after.
To be continued.........
****Updated: Well it seems I have a knack for picking idiot doctors. At least this one has the intelligence to know when he is in over his head. Long story short, what I have my friends is a granuloma (hence forth known as Ted). Ted is a stubborn little cuss whose days are now numbered. Yes, this Thursday, rather than having fun with the man child at the Minneapolis zoo, this Cheeky will be having her heel sliced and diced (by yet ANOTHER doc) and Ted will be no more (wonder if they will use a Ginsu knife - they are good for everything else). On the up side, it appears to be benign which is good. But they will be sending Ted off on a little trip to the pathology lab as his final journey just to be sure (since he likes to bleed, daily, sometimes several times daily, I guess bleeding is Ted's "thing" and well I guess when you find your "thing" you have to do it right?). I figure, Ted has made my life miserable for the last few months its the least I can do for him. So that's my update. Going away presents for Ted are always appreciated - he likes colorful soft socks since its getting chilly here and well it looks like it will be a while before I can get a good pedicure (have to heal up first) and well if you have to cover your tootsies is should be with something cute right?
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
9:03 AM ::
11 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Monday, September 24, 2007
Weekend update
Well yet another busy but uneventful weekend at Chez Cheeky!
Friday night it was Pizza night (so much for watching what I eat). Then it was Guitar Hero. Mr. Cheeky and I set some all time high scores on there - yeah we were jammin! We kept giving each other high fives like we were really something....hilarious!
Saturday morning quick clean around (read clean up blood spots from my heel...ugh - going to the doc on Tuesday). After lunch we decided that we were going to head down south with the kids to an orchard and pumpkin patch and be silly and get lost in a corn maze. Well we almost made it. Almost. About 5 miles away traffic pretty much came to a stop. It took another hour to go about 3 miles. We got irritated and said - well crap on this. Asked the kids what they wanted to do and did a "U-ey". So we headed to Costco and spent more moolah. Then home for dinner. Again that evening we didn't do too much. I found a treadmill on Craigslist and made an offer - still waiting to see if she is going to accept.
Sunday morning. Woke up from yet another strange dream. In this dream Richie Sambora and I become BFF's and we dis Jon. Don't ask me how I come up with stuff. I don't know. Mr. Cheeky and man child went four wheeling up north. Teenage daughter went shopping with her friends and I played in my room and watched movies. It was a great day. I have lots of samples ready to send to Shell. Just have to do one more thing before sending them. I finished off all my Halloween cards and I want to mail them now but it is a little early (hehe) so since I have a little extra time I think I will do a Turkey day/Fall card. I might head out Monday afternoon to find a design. While card making I watched two movies - one really good one not so good. The not so good one was Behind the Mask - sort of a parody of a serial killer. One of the tag lines was Michael Myers needed someone to look up to. I thought it had potential (since I am a fan of Michael, Freddy, Jason and the bunch). No, it was stupid. But I did invest my time for the first half so I felt obligated to see it through. The second movie - Fracture - was GREAT! I lurve me some Sir Anthony Hopkins and he did me proud in this movie. I watched the alternate endings too but I like the one they chose for the movie.
Sunday night - we had Portobello stuffed chicken breasts and oh my they were incredible! Along with some of my tater salad that everyone in the family loves so I love to make it cause it makes them happy (awww isn't that a disgustingly sweet sentiment? But its true). Then it was premier time for Family Guy....ummmm I fell asleep. I didn't see the whole thing. I am ashamed....ashamed I tell you...but I did sleep really good.
Cheeky - who would sing you a song but just heard the man child horking in the bathroom and yeah - it doesn't sound good - so no time for singing now....If you wanna sing one I will do the back up.....
Storms to the left....storms to the right ...and someone thinks I am nice
Yesterday was filled with storms in my neck of the woods. Some you could track coming and other that just popped up (mostly during rush hour - nice). Check this out. This pic was taken at approx 6:45 when it is still supposed to be daylight out.
And of course, our buddy Ian, was close to getting another email. Mr. Cheeky and I were eating dinner and watching the news which was pretty much all weather and I looked over at him and said...."you know your buddy Ian there needs an email, here is again breaking into another show (the news) to tell us a storm is a comin'". Mr. Cheeky almost spit his food out laughing.
Even though there were storms we were able to watch the first episode of Survivor. Few interesting characters there. Might be a decent season.
Now check this out....
"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you've been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
Jana over at Going Places seems to think I might be nice or something. Well how do you like that? I think she is pretty nice too.
Now I have to "pass it own" and so I shall (ya'll can probably figure out who I am gonna send it to):
Patti over there on my bloglist at PattiCake Land Katie - or shall I say Agent M My girl EA She is stampalicious Jenie She can always make me smile Shell She's nice in that special way..hehe Julie - Who is managing to be nice while building a house - I would have already been over the edge and taken a few contractors with me Wendy - I have met her IRL and she is just as nice in person as she is on her blog.
I have junk just bouncing around in this head of mine.
So, I watched the first episode of Kid Nation last night. I already have my favorites (Jared from GA is just crackin me up - talking about takin a poo...bwahaha) and those that I want to just smack (Mike on the council). I think the girl that got the 20K deserved it (and she cracked me up doing the dancing for $$ so she could buy the bike). Overall I thought it was pretty decent. Not sure if it will be an every week I have to see it kind of thing yet.
Tonight is SURVIVOR and I have known from past seasons if I don't watch the first one or two episodes then I don't watch it at all. I am watching tonight (just in case you were wondering).
Mr. Cheeky comes home today from his travels. While he was gone I have about 3/4 of my halloween cards DONE! Woot! He will be traveling again in a few weeks so I might just get a wild hair up my bootay and do Turkey day cards. I haven't ever done those and thought it might be nice. Now it will depend on if I can come up with a design I like. Looks like a trip to the stamp store for me....hehehe (I get all giddy when I think of the stamp store). OH speaking dear sweet darling Katie sent me a coupon for Michael's for 50% off so yeah - I will be going there too!
I have decided that I am going to go with the man child on his field trip to the zoo next week. I know only been in school for 2 weeks and already going on a field trip on week 3.
Had another really weird dream last night. Very odd. Had to do with space and Superman and swinging a kid (you know between two people) and letting him go and then him not coming back down but floating off into space. There was something else too and I remembered it when I woke up but didn't write it down and now I can't remember. I don't know what is up with this strange dream stuff lately.
Still pushing maximum density. Was gonna do a one week jump start diet that Tommeia sent to me but as it turns out it didn't happen this week. Maybe next week. I couldn't find my really good pedometer and have since bought two very crappy ones (one was $3 and one was $8) - I guess you get what you pay for. If I can't find my good one soon I will just have to get another one.
That is all I gots for ya today. So let me see if I can pick a really fun song to sing.....I am feeling like a little ELO......
Listen everybody let me tell you 'bout the rock'n'roll Feel that rhythm and it's really gonna thrill your soul She said come along with me, to a land of make believe She said whamma-lamma, bamma-lamma, rock'n'roll is king
She loves that rock'n'roll and she plays it all night long That's all she ever tells me when I call her on the telephone She says feel that jumpin' beat, and git up on your feet She says whamma-lamma, bamma-lamma, rock'n'roll is king
Oh let those guitars play Play for me play for me Oh let that song ring out That's now it's meant to be
It rolls like a train that's comin' on down the track She rolled over Beethoven and she gave Tchaikovsky back She loves that drivin' beat, she goes dancin' on down the street She said whamma-lamma, bamma-lamma, rock'n'roll is king
Oh let those guitars play Play for me play for me Oh let that song ring out That's now it's meant to be
When she comes around and I'm listenin' to the radio She says you can't do that 'cos all I wanna do is rock'n'roll Now here I'm gonna stay when that music starts to play She says whamma-lamma, bamma-lamma, rock'n'roll is king whamma-lamma, bamma-lamma, rock'n'roll is king whamma-lamma, bamma-lamma, rock'n'roll is king She said whamma-lamma, bamma-lamma, rock'n'roll is king
Ahoy Landlubbers - it be national talk like a pirate day
Ahoy, woke up in a cranky mood. A pence for an old wench like me self? Arrr, but its talk like a pirate day so Me thought Me would have some fun. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?
Wanna be a wench like me? Gar. Aye, then head on o'er t' this place and check it out Aye, me parrot concurs.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
9:26 AM ::
10 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Spiders and Snakes
I was reading another post yesterday of someone watching Snake on a Plane and it reminded me of a little story. A true story. A story of fear and horror and traumatized little boys. It is the story of my honeymoon.
See, (showing my age just a little) Mr. Cheeky and I got married pretty young. OK a lot young but it was gonna happen so we just did it. But that is not the story. The story is the honeymoon. We didn't have a lot of money so we didn't have the huge lavish honeymoon. It was simple. It was us. So, my Aunt gave us use of her beach house for the honeymoon. While there, we decided we wanted to go see a movie. Now you would think we would pick something romantic. Nah, that's not us, we went for what was supposed to be a comedy flick. As it turns out, it was the scariest horror film I have ever seen. Now ya'll know me. Ya'll know I loves me some horror flicks. Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Candyman bring it on baby! But this, I just couldn't take this. We saw Arachnophobia. I was nervous going in the theater. Already tense, but I was reassured it was supposed to be funny. Maybe it was for the rest of the theater but for me and the little boy (maybe 9ish) sitting in front of me (and probably his family) it was an exercise in pure terror. I have never in my life screamed blood curdling screams at a movie until this one. And every time I did, the little boy in front of me would jump and scream too and then have to be consoled by his parents. This didn't happen just once, this happened over and over again throughout the entire movie. A spider jumps, I scream, he screams. Poor kid, poor me. With lots of therapy, I can watch it now, on tv, with commercials and see the humor in it. But not then. I suspect the little boy may have needed some therapy too.
So what movie has totally freaked you out????
Cheeky who is singing....a little Jim Stafford....
I remember when Mary Lou said, "You wanna walk me home from school?" Well I said yes I do She said I don't have to go right home And I would kinda like to be alone some if you would I said me too And so we took a stroll and wound up down by the swimming hole And she said do what you want to do I got silly and found a frog in the water by a hollow log And I shook it at her and I said, "This frog's for you." She said,
I don't like spiders and snakes And that ain't what it takes to love me You fool, you fool I don't like spiders and snakes And that ain't what it takes to love me Like I wanna be loved by you
Well I think of that girl from time to time, I call her up when I got a dime I say, "Hello baby. She say, "Ain't you cool." Said, "Do you remember when, and would you like to get together again" She said "I'll see you after school" I was shy and so for awhile most of my love was touch and smile So she said, "Come on over here." I was nervous as you might guess Still looking for something to slip down her dress And she said, "Let's make it perfectly clear." She said
I don't like spiders and snakes And that ain't what it takes to love me You fool, you fool I don't like spiders and snakes And that ain't what it takes to love me Like I wanna be loved by you
It was a pretty uneventful weekend around Chez Cheeky. Friday night it was time for a little b-dubs and trivia! I kicked bootay on 2 of the 3 games. The last game was way out there. I held my own but that is about all I can say about that. Came home and it was still early so it was time for a little Guitar Hero. We hadn't played in a while so I was afraid I was really going to be bad but I guess I channeling my inner Jimmy Hendrix because we had some high score.
Saturday. Mr. Cheeky made some really AWESOME hash browns for breakfast. They weren't Waffle House good but they were a really close second. We sorta laid around for the morning and watched some Harry Potter. Then we decided we really needed to quit being so lazy so we got up, grabbed the kids and headed out. The first stop was to the local highschool where they were having a little craft show. It wasn't bad. I got 2 hanging towels from the washcloth granny (I am not being mean, this is what she called herself). Then off the the little festival our town was having. We were there about 30 minutes looking at all the old cars at the car show part of the festival and decided it was way too cold and windy. So we headed home to get properly dressed (it was like 5 mins from the house) and then went back. We saw all the booths and played in the petting zoo part.
We ate junk. Fried cheese curds and a massive serving of nachos. Then walked around a bit more. It was getting toward the end and the VFW Auxillary was having a fun little bingo game. Twenty five cents a card so Mr. Cheeky and I decided to play while the kids did the rides and kiddie events. Well, first game was a bust but then...I won the next 3 games in a row. No kidding. AND I had some massive jackpots ($2.25, 1.75. and 1.75) that allowed us to keep playing until it was time for them to pack up. Yeah, I know, we get excited about stuff like that. Came home and ......hung up my peg board in my craft room. Now this really made me happy cause now I can play with it and decorate it up!
Sunday. We were up early. Mr. Cheeky made breakfast again (he does this pretty much every weekend) and we were headed to Costco! After we got back it was time to pack him up for his trip this week. Got him all packed and then flipped between football and the race until it was time from him to go. After he left, I went straight downstairs into my craft room and started playing with my peg board and working on cards. I was there for hours and didn't even know it but I did get a lot done. I also started watching the first season of Weeds. I saw it in the store the other day and thought since there was such a buzz about it, I would get it to watch while I play. Yeah, I like this show. I made it through the first half of the first season. Yeah, I really like this show. It is really gonna stink when I get all of them watched and then can't watch it weekly (I get HBO not Showtime but I am thinking of changing this). After playing then I fed the man child (teenage daughter had already fended for herself) and then I sat and worked on my cards some more (I brought a project up stairs) and watched Anchorman. I loves me some Ron Burgandy, yes I do!
That's it - thats my weekend update. Its going to be a busy week here at Chez Cheeky with Mr. Cheeky being absent so I am glad it wasn't a stressful weekend.
Cheeky - who is singing a song inspired by Ron........
Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight Gonna grab some afternoon delight My motto's always been 'when it's right, it's right' Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night? When everything's a little clearer in the light of day And we know the night is always gonna be there any way
Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite Looking forward to a little afternoon delight Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting Sky rockets in flight Afternoon delight Afternoon delight Afternoon delight
Started out this morning feeling so polite I always though a fish could not be caught who wouldn't bite But you've got some bait a waitin' and I think I might try nibbling A little afternoon delight Sky rockets in flight Afternoon delight Afternoon delight Afternoon delight
Please be waiting for me, baby, when I come around We could make a lot of lovin' 'for the sun goes down
Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite Looking forward to a little afternoon delight Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting Sky rockets in flight Afternoon delight Afternoon delight Afternoon delight
Still not a lot going on. I made it through yesterday's interviews - woohoo!
Now before ya'll get all worked up. The big D I am referring to here is Dallas. Mr. Cheeky is headed out that way next week. So I will have the evenings to myself next week. I see lots of crafting in my future. BUT then again, it is premier week on a lot of my shows and the cable connection in my craft room sucks. I can't get the local channels. So, I may just have to bring stuff up stairs and work on it cause this girl has gotta see her some House and CSI among other shows. Maybe this is why my backside has spread.
So, yesterday I strapped on the ol pedometer and realized just how sedinatary I really am. Now, not that I am am rationalizing here (well maybe I am a little bit), I did have lots of interviews that kept me in my chair. Let's see how today goes before getting all depressed about it. As I was thinking about ways to keep myself motivated, I was thinking that I might take a virutal walking journey by logging my steps per day (week, whatever) and plot them on a map and start visiting my friends or places that I have always wanted to go. There was a group of us that did something similar to this when I worked on site with my company in Charleston. We walked from Charleston out to California and back hitting all the major landmarks along the way. We even had someone that would do a bi-weekly newsletter where she had photoshoped pictures to put us in the actual locations. It was really a fun thing to do. Obviously a group logging their steps will get you somewhere faster than a single person but...Hey it still might be fun. Soooooo who wants to be first on my list????
I have taken to drinking coffee fairly regularly again. I am not hooked....yet. I have been getting up early everyday with Mr. Cheeky and since its been chilly I have been making my coffee. I lurve good coffee. I really do. I used to drink it all day long with no problems (except that awful caffiene headache if I didn't get it). When I started having sleep issues I pretty much stopped having coffee (along with other things). It didn't necessarily solve my sleep problem but I did break that caffiene addiction. This time around I only have one cup maybe a cup and a half and I am done.
Cheeky who is gonna sing this again, just because it is very appropriate.....
When I wake up, well I know i'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next you ( what ) When I go out,( when i go out ) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you When I haver, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you
But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door
When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you And when the money, comes in for the work I do I'll pass almost every penny on to you When I come home(When I come home), well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you When I grow-old,(When I grow-old) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you
But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you And when I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream I'm gonna Dream about the time when I'm with you When I go out(When I go out), well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you And when I come home(When I come home), yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home wi you I'm gonna be the man who's coming home wi you
But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
And I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles To fall down at your door
I got nothing. Seriously, not much happened yesterday in the way of blogging fodder. So I guess I could give you a few updates on some things.
Remember the attack of the pedicure back in July? Remember how after a couple weeks, I finally sucked it up and went to the doc and she gave me a tetnus shot (OUCH) and antibiotics and sent me on my merry way? Yeah, well ummmm lets just say I am heading to see a podiatrist on the 25th (maybe earlier - I am on the standby to call list if someone cancels). Its still there. I am still bleeding regularly. I have little blood stains all over my house. If there is ever a crime in this house, the CSI team will be getting samples of my blood from every room.
I read a post yesterday that really put things into perspective for me and I have a confession to make......Ladies and Gents of the blogging world....Cheeky has reached maximum denisty. Whew, there I said it. Now, with that off my shoulders, I am trying to turn over a new leaf and with such have gotten out the trusty old pedometer again. Seriously, its gotten a little ridiculous and I MUST do something about it.....NOW!
I have a very busy day ahead of me with lots of back to back interviews (why do I do this to myself?). So busy in fact that I went to Wally World already this morning to pick up a few items I will need for dinner (cause I won't have time until much much later and I didn't want to stress out over it). I went to Wally World cause they are open 24 hours. The Super Target or Grocery Stores weren't open yet. That is how early I went. Well maybe one grocery store was but I wasn't going to fight traffic to get there - going to Wally World meant I was going opposite traffic and that is a good thing.
Well that is it - exciting post huh?
So, since I need to move a little today, I am gonna sing a little ditty for ya and Katie honey - you will soooooooooo appreciate this well, why don't you just join me in a little dance mmmmmmkay? Stand up.....yes Katie, YOU, stand up.....ready? here we go......
The tide is high but I'm holding on I'm gonna be your number one I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that Oh, no
It's not the things you do that tease and wound me bad But it's the way you do the things you do to me
I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that Oh, no
The tide is high but I'm holding on I'm gonna be your number one Number one, number one
Every girl wants you to be her man But I'll wait my dear 'til it's my turn
I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that Oh, no
The tide is high but I'm holding on I'm gonna be your number one Number one, number one
Every girl wants you to be her man But I'll wait my dear 'til it's my turn
I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that Oh, no
The tide is high but I'm holding on I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high but I'm holding on I'm gonna be your number one......
Yes, last night I had another funky dream. No, no it wasn't about Godzilla again, he is too scared to mess with me anymore. This one was just odd.
So, it starts out that I am interviewing with a company. The girl that is interviewing me is sort of snooty (which will make sense later). I am all nervous and stuff and then she tells me that she will be interviewing me in all the languages that I speak since I can speak three. What!? I speak THREE languages? When did this happen. So of course I am freaking out inside cause I can only speak one language and that can be a challenge at times. So I am trying to figure out how to snitch my resume from her to see just what was on there cause I don't remember putting that there. Then move forward to the second round interview. Don't ask me what the languages were cause I don't know. Don't ask me what happened with the questions cause I don't know. See this dream was in segments and there is a lot of blanks and even I have questions.
So round two. I am driving up to the front of the building and I am thinking I must have done ok on the languages part since I am coming back - either that or they want to make fun of me. Either way all I know is that I am driving up in an ugly tank of a car. All of a sudden some dude comes out with a rifle and was shooting up the place and he sets his sights on my tank of a car. We make eye contact and I can see it in his face he has was now gonna take aim at me. I start shaking my head no and pleading with him not to shoot. He does. He hits the car. Apparently he is not that good of a shooter. He shoots again. I am still not hurt and still pleading with him not to shoot and that is when he take his final aim and I put my hands up to shield my face (I can do this cause apparently I think I am Wonder Woman or something and I think that I am going to be able to protect my self just by holding up my hands). He shoots and I am hit. One little mark. On my hand. Barely even a wound there.
Next scene. I am in the building after being shot up thinking they better give me this job considering some idiot just came and shot me. Don't ask me what happened to the guy. I don't know. Its a weird dream remember? So I am inside waiting for my second round and this girl in there giving me all kinds of crap and I am like "look honey some fool just shot me - so forgive me if I have a hair out of place" and I open my shirt to show her all the little marks from the buck shot on my chest and stomach. I didn't think to show her the wound on my hand. I guess all the little bruises would be more dramatic or something. Or maybe I was trying to impress her with a shot of boobage - I don't know - its a dream remember. I turn to walk away and she kicks me in the back. Oh it is on! I proceed to open a can of, in the words of Stone Cold Steve Austin, "whoop ass" on her. The first girl I interviewed with comes in and breaks us up.
Next scene. I am walking through the manufacturing part of the company. Which at this point I find odd because I realise this is an up scale event planning company (which explains why everyone was so snooty). Why in the world would they have a manufacturing facility there?
Next scene. I am at home. Well, a home. Not the one I live in now. And I am telling Mr. Cheeky about the interview and getting shot up and showing off my wounds cause at this point I am now proud of them. Then I am all kinds of mad cause I don't think I got the job after going through all that crap. There is a stack of papers on the coffee table and Mr. Cheeky is like "hey, what's this?" - it was an offer letter, from the company. Yeah, I got the job.
Next scene (which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the rest of the dream). I am in the bathroom. Again its just A bathroom - not my current one. I look down and see a little crab crawling around. Its a white one. Solid white. Like its an albino or something. For some reason I think he needs to be in the tub so I scoop him up on a piece of cardboard (cause I wasn't gonna get pinched) and toss him in the tub where there are more crabs already there. About six and they were all white. And here is the really odd part (as if this wasn't odd enough already), there was a bigger crab there - not giant just bigger, and as I was pushing the little one in the tub he jumps up and grabs him and proceeds to eat him. I was like "what the crap!?" so I decide that they are dangerous and they need to be boiled so I turn on the faucet (cause the hot water is boiling hot) all the other crabs turn bright red cause they are cooking (in the tub) but the big one, he is only half red and still kicking.......and that is where I wake up. Odd.
There are so many hidden meanings in there I don't even know where to start. The one that stands out the most is that I think I am jonesing for some Crabby Mikes crab legs!
Cheeky who thinks singing a little Heart will be appropriate this morning.....
Spare a little candle Save some light for me Figures up ahead Moving in the trees
White skin in linen Perfume on my wrist And the full moon that hangs over These dreams in the mist
Darkness on the edge Shadows where I stand I search for the time On a watch with no hands
I want to see you clearly Come closer than this But all I remember Are the dreams in the mist
These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when its cold outside Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away
Is it cloak n dagger Could it be spring or fall I walk without a cut Through a stained glass wall
Weaker in my eyesight The candle in my grip And words that have no form Are falling from my lips
These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it’s cold outside Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away
There’s something out there I cant resist I need to hide away from the pain There’s something out there I cant resist
The sweetest song is silence That I’ve ever heard Funny how your feet In dreams never touch the earth In a wood full of princes Freedom is a kiss But the prince hides his face From dreams in the mist
These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it’s cold outside Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away
These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when its cold outside Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away
Yeah according to Shell - that would be me! So, she tagged me and well when Shell tags you listen!
“You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.”
Y - (sing it with me now) You gotta have frieeeeends! - nuff said V - Very___ (insert your own word here but be nice) O - "Oh Crap" - we say this a lot N - New - who doesn't like new stuff? Seriously - anyone? N - Neiner neiner neiner - cause isn't that just fun to say? E - Everbody - as in everybody is tagged (neiner neiner)
H.O.L.Y. Scrap!!!! (sorry its sort of a long post)
What a weekend! My dogs are barkin and my backs achin but man oh man what a weekend. So it started on Friday afternoon where I headed out to MOA to go ahead and get my registration badge and "gift". Then I started hitting each of the booths. Yes, there were lines but they were not as bad as last year (I only went on Saturday). Came home fairly early to beat the rush hour traffic and rest up a little before heading out to the "crop around town" in Coon Rapids. Our sponsor was a vendor that is fairly new and based out of MN (cool eh?) so they gave us lots of stuff. I arrived a few minutes early to get set up and waiting for me on the table was a bag of goodies from them. The vendor was Stemma (yeah I hadn't heard of them before either but I like them). There also was a really cute make and take in our bag as well. Also was a little small bag of munchies all decorated up....too cute. As I was getting my self organized and waiting for dinner (you don't want to have all your pics and stuff out and then try to eat around bueno), I met the two cutest little old retired ladies that were sitting at the table next to me. Very sweet and out going ladies. We ended up swaping phone numbers so we can all scrap together at other times. They really were fun. I bet they are gonna call too.
Dinner arrives (it was lasagna, salad and bread from DaVanni's - YUM!) and was very very tasty. After quickly eating the scrapping began. It was a frenzy of paper and pictures and embellishments and tools - it was GREAT! I got lots of pages done and was quite proud of my self. I learned before going how to organize my stuff for travel so I am not constantly looking for things. Then the prizes began. We all got one from Archiver's (the store hosting) and it was packed with stuff (pics below). Lots of stuff that I can use. A few things I can't. Over the next day or so I will post pics of stuff that I won't or can't use and if you want it - its yours so just let me know. I hung around until they gave out the 2 grand prizes but it wasn't my lucky night for those. As soon as that was done I packed it up and called it a day.
Got home at about 12:30am. And went straight to bed.
Up again at 6:45am. Quick shower and made a scrambled egg for breakfast - grabbed and apple and a kashi bar (for energy while standing in line) and was out the door. Got to the mall and got serious rock star parking. First row, first space by the door just outside the rotunda where there crop was being held - PERFECT! I wouldn't have to drag my supplies halfway across the mall or parking garage - it was right there. Got in and stood in line for my class to begin (that is why I was there so early - I took a class). The class was hosted by Stampendous and those ladies didn't waste any time. Bing Bang Boom and before you know it class was over and we had made 3 cards (in 45 mins). VERY VERY cute cards - can't show them too you because I might be using them for my design this year - and I want you to be surprised. I will send one to you Shell since you haven't picked your design yet (I make her cards for her friends and family). NOW IF you are interested in maybe having me do your cards too, well then I will show ya. Got my little goodie bag from them (nicely done by the way and not super expensive but had some quality items in there). Then it was down to the main floor for more booths and standing in line. I did quite a few of the make and takes and got lots of ideas for future things. Around lunch time I wasn't in the mood for the fast food from the food court to I went to Tony Romas.
OH MY. So I was alone(Suzanna hadn't gotten there for the day yet) so I decided to sit in the bar so I could watch some of the college games. There wasn't really many people there. A table of 20-somethings thinking they are all that, myself, and a dude behind me that apparently is a regular - Dominic. The bartender - Scott - was hilarious. So as I am sitting there waiting for my burger, I group of guys are sitting there bragging about how hard they party and how much they drink - blah blah basically the jock type stroking their own egos. Scott hears this and just shows up at their table with a double shot of something. Sat in on the table and said "here drink this". They asked what it was and he wouldn't tell - victim one took and and it was all he could do to get it down. The other guys were giving him crap. Scott took his finger and swabbed the bottom and then lit the remnants of the liquid on his finger on fire. Yep, that was some strong stuff. So a few minutes later, Scott shows up with another double shot to give to the one that was really running his trap. He drank it but it they were done. They quickly paid their bill, tucked their tails between their legs and was out of there - they couldn't admit Scott had one on them. I was giggling to myself. Scott saw me and smiled cause he knew that I knew what he was doing. Over all - good food, good service, good entertainment....I wished they were closer I would love to hang out there regularly like Dominic - he was good people and they treated him good too (lots of things on the house for this guy).
Back out to the scrapfest for a few more hours and then I was really tired. I had 2 hours to go before the crop began at 6:30 and needed to get off my feet for a while so I decided to go out to the car, put the seat back, and rest. I didn't sleep but I did kick off my shoes and stretch out a bit and that was nice. Then in at 6:30 for the crop. Dinner was from Famous Dave's (I am not a fan - they are so-so but its just not southern BBQ). Then let the crop begin. Our vendor was EK success and again we got some really good stuff from them. Another really full goodie back from Archivers (with different things that I had gotten the night before). Got lots of good ideas and talked with some really funny ladies from Colorado. Again, got several pages done (this album is almost done - woohoo). I was trying really hard to hold out for the grand prizes (if you are not there you don't get them). It was all I could do to stay that long. The prizes weren't given out until midnight and I was losing steam around 10. But I did it. I made it through.
Got home just after 1am. Had a glass of wine to relax and crashed.
Sunday: I didn't really sleep in as much as I thought I would but I did feel the results of my actions over the past two days. As I was putting my feet on the floor to get out of the bed and I stood - I realized that I need a little more exercise. My lets and feet were really sore. After I moved around a little bit though things were ok. Maybe I am just getting old........nah..... Spent most of the day hanging out with the family since I really didn't see them much over the previous 2 days. I just took it easy.
So here are the pics of all my goodies (don't be hatin')....
This is the goodie bag from Archivers on Friday night
This is the goodie back from the sponsor - Stemma. The little pail was the make and take they brought.
This is the goodie bag from Archivers on the second night....
This is the goodie bag from EK Success on the second night....
These are some of the items that I purchased during the event. Sort of random things but I needed some of them for current projects...
BUT - my FAVORITE purchase of the weekend is THIS (fellow crafters - don't be hatin')....
So today begins the weekend that is Scrapfest. I wait for this event all year. Starting today, I will be pretty much be MIA from Chez Cheeky cause I will be at the MOA all weekend. After man child heads out to school I am headed out. Tonight Suzanna is going to join me and we are going to one of the "crop around town" events and get our scrap on! I won't be home until probably around 1ish in the morning. Then up at the butt crack of dawn (I love saying that - I don't know why) and headed back to MOA for a class and more of the booths. I will meet up with Suzanna after the class. Then another "crop around town" event at MOA. Again, it won't be over until 12:30am so I am just gonna crash with Suzanna at her pad.
I have all my stuff ready for the crops and hope to get lots of pages done. I love the crop around town events. They are sponsored by some vendor and lots of goodies and giveaways. Oh and they feed you too so yeah that's another bonus.
The next big scrapping event will be in October and this is where I officially become a member (and no longer a pledge) to Phi Delta Scrappa. It will be an all weekend event too.
Cheeky - who in honor of last night's new season premier of Don't Forget the Lyrics is gonna sing a little Rapper's Delight for ya (can ya'll believe he picked that song over Tainted Love? I mean really.....he didn't know Tainted Love? Everybody knows that one.....geesh BUT it was funny seeing him sing Rapper's Delight).... Oh and its only gonna be a litte cause that song is way long and I don't feel like typing that much - gotta save the dexterity in my hands for scrappin ya know....
I said a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hop, a you don't stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat
Now what you hear is not a test--I'm rappin to the beat and me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet see I am wonder Mike and I like to say hello to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, the purple and yellow but first I gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie
Let's rock, you don't stop rock the riddle that will make your body rock well so far you've heard my voice but I brought two friends along and next on the mic is my man Hank come on, Hank, sing that song
OK with school starting back that only means one thing - the holidays will soon be upon us (frightening isn't it?). So as I start getting my stuff together for Scrapfest this weekend I realize that its also time to start getting organized and get things in order for the holidays as well. Ya'll know that I LURVE to send out my special homemade cards and I have been collecting addresses over the years (years? I have been blogging for years? well ok maybe a year and a wait it is 2!). If I don't have your address and you would like to have one of my special homemade cards just send me an email:, with your mailing address (if you think I have it but aren't sure - send me an email anyway, and if you have moved, send me an updated addy please). Don't worry, I won't stalk you (I will send you my addy if it makes you feel better) but I will add you to the send a random card every now and then to make you smile list. Seriously, just ask around. If I read you are going through a rough time, I will send you a card to perk you up. If I read that someone near and dear has passed away, I will send you a card. If it is your birthday (and I know about it of course) I will send you a card. If it is just a random day and I haven't sent one in a while, I will send you a card. Its just what I do mmmmkay? So send me those addresses!!
And for today's listening pleasure I give you a little ELO.....
You got me running going out of my mind You got me thinking me that I'm wasting my time
Don't bring me down No, no, no, no, no, ooh ooh I'll tell you once more Before I get off the floor Don't bring me down
You want to stay out with your fancy friends I'm telling you it's gotta be the end
Don't bring me down No, no, no, no, no, ooh ooh I'll tell you once more Before I get off the floor Don't bring me down
Don't bring me down, Bruce Don't bring me down, Bruce Don't bring me down, Bruce Don't bring me down
What happened to the girl I used to know You let your mind out somewhere down the road
Don't bring me down No, no, no, no, no, ooh ooh I'll tell you once more Before I get off the floor Don't bring me down
You're always talkin' 'bout your crazy nights One of these days you're gonna get it right
Don't bring me down No, no, no, no, no, ooh ooh I'll tell you once more Before I get off the floor Don't bring me down
Don't bring me down, Bruce Don't bring me down, Bruce Don't bring me down, Bruce Don't bring me down
You're looking good just like a snake in the grass One of these days you're gonna break your glass
Don't bring me down No no, no no, no no, no no, no, ooh ooh I'll tell you once more Before I get off the floor Don't bring me down
You got me shaking, got me running away You got me crawling up to you every day
Don't bring me down No, no, no, no, no, ooh ooh I'll tell you once more Before I get off the floor Don't bring me down
Down, down, down, down, down I'll tell you once more before I get off the floor Don't bring me down
Not so long ago, I was tagged by Jenie. I promised I would do it and so I must fulfill that promise here goes....
4 jobs I’ve had: Waitress (in the days when we were called waitresses) Cashier at the Food Lion (southern grocery store) (Loved it!) Secretary (yes, I was called that and yes the boss was an ogre and I hated it) Jack of all trades at the local Circuit City (cashier, credit, operator)
4 films I could watch over and over: Grease Steel Magnolias Superman Lord of the Rings Trilogy
4 Places I have lived: Charleston, SC Groton, CT Kingsland, GA Newton, NC
4 Favorite TV shows: House Don't Forget the Lyrics Survivor CSI - the original Vegas one
4 Favorite Foods: Any seafood Honkers (that would be steaks for those of you that are new to the blog) Southern Pork BBQ Fried Chicken Legs
4 Websites I visit everyday: Yahoo My blogroll Something scrapbooking related
4 Places I would love to be: Australia On the Beach Scrap Conventions A resort where I get pampered all day
4 Favorite Colors: Pink Black (cause it looks good with hot pink - duh) White Yellow
4 Names I love but would/could not use for my children: Alexis Sergei Bethany Hercules (I couldn't think of another one so that is for you Pop!)
Who am I gonna tag? Well, whoever wants to do it of course.....
Cheeky - who is gonna sing a little ummmm (requests anyone?)....Christopher Cross (bet you didn't see that one coming did ya?)....
Well, it's not far down to paradise, at least it's not for me And if the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquility Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see Believe me
It's not far to never-never land, no reason to pretend And if the wind is right you can find the joy of innocence again Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see Believe me
Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be Just a dream and the wind to carry me And soon I will be free
Fantasy, it gets the best of me When I'm sailing All caught up in the reverie, every word is a symphony Won't you believe me?
Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be Just a dream and the wind to carry me And soon I will be free
Well it's not far back to sanity, at least it's not for me And if the wind is right you can sail away and find serenity Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see Believe me
Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be Just a dream and the wind to carry me And soon I will be free
So what did I do this long holiday weekend? Whatever I wanted! Actually Saturday morning we did some work around the house (Katie thinks I am possessed or something). I pulled out the flowers from the flower bed (they were looking pretty shot and they are done for the year). Pressure washed the concrete slab outside the back sliding glass door. Mr. Cheeky mowed and then we washed the car and truck. After a clean up we headed to Maple Grove to go shopping. After getting the teenage daughter some jeans for school (without much of an argument) it was dinner and then headed to Costco to walk it off. Came home and pretty much just vegged.
Sunday - slept in and then played Warcraft with the man child pretty much all morning. Took a break from that and did a few things around the house then headed to a friend's house for a cookout and games. We had a really nice time. Again, when we got home - just vegged.
Monday - slept in again and then played Warcraft with the man child again until noonish. Mr. Cheeky played outside in his garage while I caught up on some missed episodes of Damages (on FX) from the marathon. Now I am all caught up and waiting for tonight's episode.
So yeah, it was a pretty laid back and calm weekend. Not a lot going on.
***I am up early today because.....because....because (I am soooo giddy)....because TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Oh yeah baby!! So in honor of the first day of school let me sing this little ditty for the kiddos....(bonus points if you can guess the movie its from)....
Spending my vacation in the summer sun, Gettin' lots of action and a lots of fun. Scorin' like a bandit 'til the bubble burst - Suddenly it got to be September First.
Woe is me, all summer long I was happy and free. Save my soul, the board of education took away my parole. I gotta go back, back, back to school again. You won't find me 'til the clock strikes three; I'm gonna be there 'til then... I gotta go back, back, back to school again. Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school again!
Geometry and history is just a pain, Biology and chemistry destroys my brain. Well don't they know that I deserve a better fate? I'm really much too young to matriculate.
Well mama please, your child's come down with a fatal disease. Mama said, "Come on you lazy bum now get your butt out of bed!" "You gotta go back, back, back to school again!" It's bye-bye fun, get your homework done, You better be in by ten, I gotta go back, back, back to school again. Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school again!
I got my books together and I dragged my feet, Then I saw this angel boppin' down the street. I said, "Hey, pretty baby, howsabout a date?" She said, "I'm going to school, and I can't be late."
Well, I can see, that look in her eyes was sayin' "Follow me," And I was caught - I thought of playing hooky, but on second thought, I gotta go back, back, back to school again. You won't find me 'til the clock strikes three; I'm gonna be there 'til then... I gotta go back, back, back to school again. Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school ... again!!!