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Monday, December 31, 2007
Coming to a Stage Near You!
We spent the weekend purging and playing. We purged my office (since I am now in retirement) and made it more of a "family" office. We also cleaned out the closet in that room that sort had become "if you don't know where to put it - put it there" closet. What wasn't thrown out is being Craigslisted, sent to consignment or donated in some way. But its gone. We also purged the closet in the bedroom - lots of clothes being donated as well. I had a lot of office casual stuff that I haven't worn in years (since I worked from home) and I figure IF I ever work in an office again, then it will be time to update the wardrobe anyway so no need to have it there just for the sake of having it there. I got rid of about half of the contents of my closet.
For those of you anxiously awaiting the tales of meeting Hockey Boy....go back and read the comments from the last post. Teenage daughter had previously made plans and so meeting Hockey Boy had to wait. Anybody else think that one or both of them is perhaps slightly nervous about the first meeting???
The kids and I pooled our $$ and bought Rock Bank on Friday. We have been playing it ever since. The guitar part is very similar to Guitar Hero. It took me a while to learn the drums (still can't say that I am great yet - mediocre is more the word but give me time - I will get there). Then, there is the mic. So, last night, Mr. Cheeky and teenage daughter are playing and call for me to join. Teenage daughter is singing, Mr. Cheeky on guitar, me on the drums (just call me Phil Collins). Then there was a switch up and I was was singing. We took turns picking songs (and yes there is some Bon Jovi on there - Woot!) and teenage daughter picked some Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was hesitant but sang it anyway. I had the best score - 98%! Mr. Cheeky says (and I quote) "I think we have found our singer!"
Later in the evening, we decided to watch the fifth installment of Harry Potter. I was on one end of the sofa with my legs across Mr. Cheeky and manchild on the other end. Manchild out of the blue says "gimme your foot mom" and then proceeds to massage my foot as we watch the movie. Now keep in mind that I have not had a pedicure since July when Ted decided to take up residence. As a matter of fact there is still a mark on my heel - I think Ted carved his name in there - you know something like, "Ted was here but now he's gone he left his name to carry on" or perhaps maybe "My name is Ted...and one day - I'll be dead yo yo yo (I wanna be a cowboy and you can be my cowgirl....oh sorry - I got distracted there). Where was I, oh yeah, the foot rub, a little while later, manchild left the room and came back and then says, "gimme that foot I was just rubbing", I lifted my foot and he proceeded to rub it again, WITH LOTION! Ummmm you think he is trying to tell me its time for a pedicure?
So tonight is New Year's Eve and we are celebrating in usual Cheeky style - we'll be rocking! But this time with an audience. We are headed across the street to the neighbors for a little Rock Band/Guitar Hero party.
Hope ya'll have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Cheeky - who is gonna go practice singing for tonight - A little Soundgarden....
In my eyes Indisposed In disguise As no one knows Hides the face Lies the snake The sun In my disgrace Boiling heat Summer stench neath the black The sky looks dead Call my name Through the cream And Ill hear you Scream again
Black hole sun Wont you come And wash away the rain Black hole sun Wont you come Wont you come
Stuttering Cold and damp Steal the warm wind Tired friend Times are gone For honest men And sometimes Far too long For snakes In my shoes A walking sleep And my youth I pray to keep Heaven send Hell away No one sings Like you Anymore
Hang my head Drown my fear Till you all just Disappear
Black hole sun Wont you come Black hole sun Wont you come Wont you come
Well its official, I live in a city that is literate. Woot! As a matter of fact, we are #1 on the list.
It appears that I am having to take the girls to the mall today. They just can't stand it. The gift cards are burning a hole in their pockets. I will go but I am not really looking for anything right now so I will just be the taxi driver. I think I have talked them out of going to MOA.
Tonight might be the night to officially meet Hockey boy. Teenage daughter asked me last night if he could come over tonight. Last time he wasn't feeling well so he didn't come. We will see if it happens this time.
I played in my craft room for a few hours last night and used my new chair that Santa brought me (much more comfy than the card table chair I was using). I won't tell you what I was creating because I know some of you will roll your eyes at me and say "already?". But I will say I am in the design phase and it is something you will receive if you are on "the list" but not for a while. I was also creating some cards for Moi as she won the card giveaway earlier in December. I think once the kids get back to school and things get back to normal I will be doing a lot more scrap pages. I will also actively be updating my craft page so ya'll can take a peek at my handy work if you want. The link is in my blogroll but I will put it in a post when I start updating it again. Its been a long time since I last updated it.
So far I have settled in to unemployment (retirement as my Daddy calls it) pretty well. I started all gung ho with all kinds of projects that I wanted to do but the holiday sort of side tracked them (yeah, that's it, it was the holiday). I think with the new year, it will motivate me to get back on them again.
Nothing really big planned for the weekend. Manchild has a game on Saturday. I may or may not take down the trees. I usually wait until New Year's Day but I think since NYD is in the middle of the week I may just want to go ahead and get it done now. I haven't decided yet.
So that's it - that's all I got for you this morning. Hope ya'll have a great weekend!
See this picture? (and let's focus on the kitties and not the copious amounts of cat hair on the black comforter shall we):
These are the kitties. Notice how the three in the back (Shug by the pillows, Sylvester in the middle, Taz on the end) are all getting along nicely (well except for Shug - she just goes where Taz goes but she doesn't like it). Then notice on the other side - that would by my prissy Kitty Girl. She doesn't share except with Sylvester and only when she feels like it - she's a prima donna like that.
And see this?:
Sylvester and Taz are once again BFF's. Its just a love fest around Chez Cheeky.
He was good to me and I am not just thinking of the gifts and toys (but I got some good ones), I am talking about the fact that our family - just the four of us, have been together in the same house since Friday night and no one is fussing, no one is fighting, we have been laughing and cuttin' up and actually enjoying each other. And THAT makes for a really wonderful holiday.
Yesterday, you know Christmas Day? I had my VERY FIRST WHITE CHRISTMAS! I am not just talking about snow on the ground but it was actually SNOWING. Very cool. Its snowing again now as I type this and I can't be happy about it. On Christmas Day I can be happy about it - but only then (just in case any of you were confused).
And just in case ya'll were wondering, not only is the Cheeky family Guitar Heroes but now we are gonna be dancing fools - I got DDR Universe 2! (That would be Dance Dance Revolution for those of you not in the know). Seriously, we could be the next Osmond's - only cooler!
Cheeky - who is gonna sing a little 80's ditty for ya....Men Without Hats....
We can dance if we want to We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance Well they're no friends of mine I say, we can go where we want to A place where they will never find And we can act like we come from out of this world Leave the real one far behind And we can dance
We can dance if we want to We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance Well they're no friends of mine I say, we can go where we want to A place where they will never find And we can act like we come from out of this world Leave the real one far behind And we can dance Dance!
We can go when we want to The night is young and so am I And we can dress real neat from our hats to our feet And surprise 'em with the victory cry Say, we can act if want to If we don't nobody will And you can act real rude and totally removed And I can act like an imbecile
I say, we can dance, we can dance Everything out of control We can dance, we can dance We're doing it from wall to wall We can dance, we can dance Everybody look at your hands We can dance, we can dance Everybody takin' the cha-a-a-ance
Safety dance Is it safe to dance Is it safe to dance
We can dance if we want to We've got all your life and mine As long as we abuse it, never gonna lose it Everything'll work out right I say, we can dance if we want to We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance Well they're no friends of mine
I say, we can dance, we can dance Everything out of control We can dance, we can dance We're doing it from wall to wall We can dance, we can dance Everybody look at your hands We can dance, we can dance Everybody takin' the cha-a-a-ance
Is it safe to dance, oh is it safe to dance Is it safe to dance, oh is it safe to dance Is it safe to dance, oh is it safe to dance Is it safe to dance, oh is it safe to dance Is it safe to dance, oh is it safe to dance Is it safe to dance
Merry Christmas Eve ya'll. I have a little break this morning and thought that I would give ya a little update from the weekend's activities.
Friday - we lost a very important member of the household. Kenmore, our fridge. Yep, he died Friday morning. One good thing about living in the frozen tundra is that when your fridge dies, you can pack everything in coolers, put snow all around it and it will be fine. So Friday night, instead of going to see National Treasure with Katie, I went and bought a new fridge. We like him. He is all purty and stuff. We will call him Maytag.
Saturday morning was clean the house before the holiday so we don't have to worry about anything day. And also, wait for Maytag to arrive. The house got a good scrubbing from top to bottom. We ran a few errands and then Taz and Shug came over. I was quite pleased to see that all the animals got along pretty well.
Sunday, it snowed snowed snowed. Mr. Cheeky and teenage daughter went shopping while I just sort of hung out here. It was also movie day here at Chez Cheeky so we watched Deck the Halls and then the first of Pirates of the Caribbean. The other two will be watched today. I love movie marathons.
After shoveling the drive, we came in and all of a sudden I just felt sick. Very nauseated. I went to bed and tossed and turned. I was achey with fever, my head pounded and I was nauseated. You guessed - sinuses. I didn't get any sleep until this morning when I finally took something and it kicked it. The fever has finally broke and I feel TONS better. Thanks goodness cause who wants to be sick on Christmas.
So today its a hang out and be silly kind of day. I wish all ya'll a very Merry Christmas!
First and Foremost - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the woman that birthed the Cheeky! Give her some love ya'll. Last year her birthday was on Thursday and I did a Thursday Thirteen tribute to her. You can see thatHERE .
Next - Last night, the manchild had his moment of glory at the highschool hockey game. He was the flag carrier. He was so proud. I love how the announcer did his name, he skates around and then goes "and the rest of the Royals" - like manchild was the prime one. Check it out:
I also got my first glimpse of the friend that is a boy (hence forth known as hockey boy). Of course I didn't get to get a good look cause he plays hockey and well the helmet can distract the view.
Its all her fault really. I mean, I get up in the AM, make the go-go juice, see hubs, teenage daughter and manchild off, and start my day's tasks (and now that I am officially unemployed I have lots of projects). Then, Ellen comes on. I just HAVE to watch. Her show is THE BEST. Now with some shows I can get stuff done while they are on in the background. Not Ellen. I have to watch and pay attention. She has become like crack. I MUST watch! I have to know what she is giving away next. I have to know what wonderfully talented, thoughtful, entrepreneurial kid she is going to showcase next. I have to know how her calls with Gladys are going to go. I have to know how she is going to make me laugh. And she always does. I mean its a GREAT way to spend an hour but it just ruins me for the rest of the day. She comes on at 9. 9! I am just getting started and then BAM I lose my motivation. Oh it comes back for an hour and then its Y&R - which depending on the story for the day I can miss an episode and still survive. But I really hate it if I miss Ellen - even if its a repeat - I don't care - I still giggle like kid.
Now I know what you are thinking.....just Tivo it - right? Well, I don't have Tivo so that really isn't an option now is it?
Updated: I am not happy ya'll - It's 9 am and I just sat down to watch my Ellen and IT'S A PRESIDENTIAL NEWS CONFERENCE!! Hello, most people aren't going to see you cause they are at WORK! Don't mess with Ellen... GRrrrrrrrrrr!
Cheeky - who is gonna sing you another little Christmas ditty - click HERE to listen (now sing along ya'll):
I broke my bat on Johnny's head, Somebody snitched on me. I hid a frog in sister's bed, Somebody snitched on me. I spilled some ink on Mommy's rug, I made Tommy eat a bug, Bought some gum with a penny slug, Somebody snitched on me.
Oh, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas, Mommy and Daddy are mad, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas, 'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
I put a tack on teacher's chair, Somebody snitched on me. I tied a knot in Susie's hair, Somebody snitched on me. I did a dance on Mommy's plants, Climbed a tree and tore my pants, Filled the sugar bowl with ants, Somebody snitched on me.
So, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas, Mommy and Daddy are mad. I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas, 'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
I won't be seeing Santa Claus, Somebody snitched on me. He won't come visit me because, Somebody snitched on me. Next year I'll be going straight, Next year I'll be good, just wait, I'd start now, but it's too late, Somebody snitched on me.
So, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas, Mommy and Daddy are mad. I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas, 'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
So you better be good whatever you do, 'Cause if you're bad, I'm warning you, You'll get nuttin' for Christmas.
Mr. Cheeky managed to get two additional tickets to the game so we decided to take the kids and HH turned into eating burgers at Wendy's. Which is fine by me cause if you are gonna get a fast food burger, Wendy's is the only place to go - they ROCK!
So back to the game, during the last period and with one minute left to play - we won! Seriously guys, ya'll played great - during the last period. Not sure what the coach said to ya (who by the way was coaching his 1000th NHL game) but it obviously worked.
During the game, you know they show little snipets of upcoming events on the little video thing (yes, its a video thing, I can't think of what its called, its early and my go-go juice hasn't kicked in yet so cut me some slack mmmmmkay?). Anywho, I saw that Barry Manilow was coming so I did what any good blogger would do, I texted my blogger buds and it read "Am I a tard if I want to see Barry Manilow?" (not saying that I do, just saying there was a break in the game and I was entertaining myself let's keep that straight mmmmkay?). These are the responses I got in the order they were received:
BB #1: "Yes, and I don't know you anymore" BB #2: "Kinda but I won't tell" BB #3: "No No No"
I love messing with my girls LOL!
In other news the kennel known as Chez Cheeky is now open. Now remember I have two kitties of my own. Today, we will be getting Sadie. We have dogsat her several times throughout the year. When she is here for an extended time it usually will stress out (my) Kitty Girl and she pees. On furniture. Leather furniture. Right in front of you. Cause she is mad and stressed out. We will have Sadie for a week. Then on Saturday, we will be receiving the siamese kitties Taz and Sugar (brother and sister in case you were wondering and Shug is cross eyed which makes us laugh but I digress...). They will be staying from this Saturday through January 2nd. My kitties are usually ok with these two after they are here for a while. Actually Taz and (my) Sylvester are pretty good buds after about a day. So, as of this Saturday, we will have FOUR kitties and ONE dog, TWO kids and TWO adults in the house. Don't you wanna come and join in the fun?
For your viewing enjoyment a little video from the last visit of Taz and Shug:
Cheeky who is singing....some Ted Nuggent-Cat Scratch Fever....
The first time that I got it, I was just ten years old. I got it from some kitty next door. I went and see the Dr. and he gave me the cure. I think I got it some more...They give me cat scratch fever...Cat scratch fever!
Cause well, I wanted to sleep in mmmmkay? OK! Not a whole lot going on around these parts. Have to make my final trip to the post office today and all my shipping is done. Tonight I am going to downtown Minneapolis to happy hour and then headed to St.Paul to watch the Wild play some hockey! So see its going to be a late night - I needed to sleep in a little this morning. Quit giving me crap about it mmmkay?
HUGE shout out and THANK YOU to my girl Jenie - girlfriend hooked me up yet again with her box of holiday goodies (I was hoping you would do this again....hehe). Very yummy indeed! And that calendar - honey I ALMOST got that one - yep I had it in the cart and put it back. THANK YOU!
Rachel Ray is supposed to be downtown today signing books. I thought about trying to do that but then decided nah..... I like her and use her books and stuff but I am ok with not doing the celebrity thing today.
Cheeky who is practicing for the game tonight (just watch it mmmkay?):
MINNESOTA WILD ANTHEM We were raised With the stick And a pair of blades On the ice we cut our teeth We took our knocks In the penalty box Our mother was the referee
This sport was here Before we came It will be here when we're gone The game's in our blood And our blood's in the game Lay us down under A frozen pond
We will fight to the end We will stand and defend Our flag flying high and free We were born the child Of the strong and wild In the state the state Of hockey A big blue line runs around our state A line that can't be crossed The day they try to take this game Is the day the gloves come off
We will fight to the end We will stand and defend Our flag flying high and free We were born the child Of the strong and wild In the state the state Of hockey.
Friday - I hit the town with my girl Katie at D&B and we kicked some trivia bootay!!!!
Saturday - I had good intentions of getting up and painting and getting things done. Yeah, didn't happen. It was a lay around the house and be lazy kind of day. I did go see Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was cute but I think more of a rental. Mr. Cheeky says he didn't really like it but I saw him giggle a few times.
Even though I didn't paint, I did get the paint so that is a step in the right direction.
Saturday night: I am falling into dream land and I hear "Mooooooooom" in that pitiful, I don't feel good voice. Yep, it was manchild, in the bathroom, horking. Poor baby. So I get him a warm cloth for his face, water to rinse his mouth and back to bed with provisions by the bed just incase it hits him fast and he can't make it to the bathroom. Back to bed for me and once again I am drifting off, "Mooooooooom". Up checking on the manchild. Back to bed. Drifting off and again I hear "Mooooooom. I guess third time is the charm because this was the last time for the night.
Sunday: We had hockey practice but since manchild was up horking we decided it was best to just let him sleep in and get his rest. After goofing around in the morning, Teenage daughter thought today was the day to meet her "friend" who happens to be a boy. I will have to think of a clever name for him. So we get the time set for him to come over but then its a no go. He was getting sickly too (with what I don't know - nerves perhaps?). So, Mr. Cheeky and I did some shopping.
We had an early dinner - one of my favs that we haven't had in a while - Shrimp and rice - its an old family recipe and YUM YUM YUM. After our dinner settled, Mr. Cheeky and I tag teamed the treadmill. He would walk off 100 calories and then I would while we watched LOTR on TV. We did this for 1000 calories total. (OK I admit I only did about 400 of that but still....its a start...right?).
Then it was Survivor finale. I have to say I am pleased with the winner. Todd played a good game and then when it came to his plea in front of the jury, I believe he was straight up and said "yeah I know I was deceitful but that was my game" where Amanda tried to reason and was still being a little weaselly (is that a word? well it is now) in my opinion. Courtney well was still the tag-a-long. I watched the reunion show and really enjoyed it. I still want to be on one of those. I might have to send in a video. I just might.
Cheeky - who is singing in honor of another musician losing his battle with cancer this weekend - RIP Dan Fogelberg:
Met my old lover in the grocery store The snow was falling Christmas Eve I stole behind her in the frozen foods And I touched her on the sleeve She didn't recognize the face at first But then her eyes flew open wide She went to hug me and she spilled her purse And we laughed until we cried
We took her groceries to the checkout stand The food was totalled up and bagged We stood there lost in our embarrassment As the conversation dragged We went to have ourselves a drink or two But couldn't find an open bar We bought a six-pack at the liquor store And we drank it in her car
We drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to now And tried to reach beyond the emptiness but neither one knew how
She said she'd married her an architect Who kept her warm and safe and dry She would have liked to say she loved the man But she didn't like to lie I said the years had been a friend to her And that her eyes were still as blue But in those eyes I wasn't sure if I saw doubt or gratitude She said she saw me in the record stores And that I must be doing well I said the audience was heavenly but the traveling was hell
We drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to now And tried to reach beyond the emptiness but neither one knew how We drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to time Reliving in our eloquence, another 'auld lang syne'
The beer was empty and our tongues were tired And running out of things to say She gave a kiss to me as I got out and I watched her drive away Just for a moment I was back at school And felt that old familiar pain And as I turned to make my way back home The snow turned in to rain...
Its time for me to give you some randomness cause I just can't keep it in my brain no more..........
Conversation with Mr. Cheeky:
Me: I have a disorder Mr. Cheeky: yeah, its called stupidity
An update from teenage daughter: The armpits don't hurt anymore......
The energy held out through getting the manchild's room purged. I just have to get a couple baskets for his shelves in the closet. But as I was going through EVERYTHING, I realized his room REALLY needs to be painted. As of right now, that will be happening tomorrow (but I could change my mind). I am gonna go get the paint today so if it doesn't happen tomorrow, I can do it next week.
After purging, I made my attack and hit 2 out of 3 grocery stores. They are all right there together so its not like I am running all over town. Came home and made something new for dinner and ya'll, it was good. Pan seared Shrimp and Scallops with Orzo w/Spinach and Tomatoes. The Shrimp and Scallops were very very yummy. The orzo was good but to me it seamed to need something else and I couldn't figure out what it needed. I have leftovers, maybe I can figure it out today.
Tonight it is get out of the house and play night so I am going to meet up with Katie and we are gonna go be kids and play at D&B.
Tomorrow, after painting (really who else do you know that paints a week before Christmas? Seriously?), I think we are gonna hit the movies. I want to go see Alvin and the Chipmunks (I think the kids want to see it too). There are some other movies I want to see too but I think I will see this one.
Cheeky - who thinks its time to start singing some Christmas tunes for ya and is dedicating this first tune to Jenie. Click this link so you can hear it and sing along ya'll
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas Only a hippopotamus will do Don't want a doll, no dinky Tinker Toy I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you? He won't have to use our dirty chimney flue Just bring him through the front door, that's the easy thing to do
I can see me now on Christmas morning, creeping down the stairs Oh what joy and what surprise when I open up my eyes to see a hippo hero standing there
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas Only a hippopotamus will do No crocodiles, no rhinoceroses I only like hippopotamuses And hippopotamuses like me too
Mom says the hippo would eat me up, but then Teacher says a hippo is a vegetarian
There's lots of room for him in our two-car garage I'd feed him there and wash him there and give him his massage I can see me now on Christmas morning, creeping down the stairs Oh what joy and what surprise when I open up my eyes to see a hippo hero standing there
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas Only a hippopotamus will do No crocodiles or rhinoceroseses I only like hippopotamuseses And hippopotamuses like me too!
Teenage daughter PASSED the test for her permit. However, she failed the eye exam. She has glasses that she uses for school - you know to see the board, etc. Well, she didn't take them with her and when they administered the eye test - she couldn't see squat! She had also mentioned that she really couldn't see all that well with her glasses anyway so...... we are gonna go and get an eye exam and new glasses before going back. Once she passes the eye exam - she will be fine (me on the other hand - I am not so sure LOL).
Have you ever woken up and decided you just can't take it anymore? You know, the clutter, the crap laying around, the disorganized pantry (that used to be organized), the cluttered bedrooms, just crap in general? Well, that is me today. So far this morning, I have already cleaned out the entire pantry (including wiping and moving shelves) and planned my attack at the grocery store (for most of you that would be list - for me its planning the attack). I have also looked through my recipe books and chosen something new for dinner tonight. Its only 7:30am.
Assuming my energy holds out, the man child's room is next. I just can't take it anymore. I was planning on doing some scrapping - but ummm no - the room has to be cleaned or I am gonna snap and ummm nobody likes it when I snap.
Cheeky - who in honor of today's cleaning fest is singing a little Twisted Sister....
Oh we're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it Oh we're not gonna take it anymore
We've got the right to choose and there ain't no way we'll lose it This is our life, this is our song We'll fight a 1000 legions Don't pick our destiny 'cause You don't know us, you don't belong
Oh we're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it Oh we're not gonna take it anymore
Oh you're so condescending Your gall is never ending We don't want nothin', not a thing from you Your life is trite and jaded Boring and confiscated If that's your best, your best won't do
We're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it We're not gonna take it anymore
We're not gonna take it, no! No, we ain't gonna take it We're not gonna take it anymore
Just you try and make us We're not gonna take it Come on No, we ain't gonna take it You're all worthless and weak We're not gonna take it anymore Now drop and give me twenty We're not gonna take it A Pledge pin No, we ain't gonna take it On your uniform We're not gonna take it anymore
Its finally over - now my nerves are gonna be shot
Teenage daughter finished up the book work for drivers ed yesterday. Today we get the permit. I am sure she is going to want to drive home. In MY car. Oh Joy!
Conversations with Mr. Cheeky:
Me: Katie and I are going to go to D&B on Friday. Mr. C: You should invite her to Bunco Me: I will but its only once a month Mr. C: What?! I thought I was getting rid of you Every Friday.....
Teenage Daughter: Mom are we going to go get massages? Cheeky: Oh I don't know maybe, why? TD: Cause I need one. Cheeky: Why? TD: Cause my armpits hurt.
Well I hope you have something to drink - ya'll might be here a while....have lots to tell.
Bunco Friday night. Had a blast. I met an entirely new set of neighbors. I knew 2 already and had spoken to a third but that was it. There were 17 ladies there and only 3 were not from the neighborhood. All but two of us were newbies to the game. After the first game (we played 4) everyone was comfortable with the game so then the chattiness began. So far so good with these ladies. I was very pleased that the conversations were not "about anyone" they were just general conversations which was nice. I did learn that one neighbor is preggers (she was the one I have spoken to but didn't really know prior to this shindig) and due in May (wait or was it March can't remember - its an M month give me that much credit mmmkay?). The food was great. We all brought an appetiser. And it was BYOB. I am really glad that I went. We are going to do this the first Friday of every month so the next one will be Jan. 4th.
We skipped the usual weekend breakfast. Oh we ate, but I didn't want much because my tummy was hurting (guess I need to start taking Prilosec again and no I wasn't hungover - geesh the things ya'll think about me....hehe) AND everyone was up before me. Man child had hockey practice and I went out to get the last 2 gift cards I needed before sending off my package to NC. It was a nightmare. Crowded. People being rude. I tried to be extra nice to the sales people and cashiers cause you could just see in their faces they were about to explode.
Got home and had our honkers for dinner. THEN it was off to a night of fun and games and it was ADULTS ONLY! Mr. Cheeky is on the Asian business counsel at work. No, he is not Asian. At any rate, he has met some really nice people and one of them invited us to her house for her annual game party. We played Wii, Guitar Hero, DDR and others. There was tons of food and drink, 70+ people, and no kids to nag. Mr. Cheeky and I really showed them all how to play Guitar Hero - they were all fairly new to it I guess so when we started out on something other than "easy" they just thought we were the bomb - and you know what? We were!! We really ARE Guitar Heroes! Got home just after 11.
Sunday: Up early again because Manchild had a hockey game at 7:15. They tied. They all played really well. I am glad to see the teams being really balanced as far as skill level is concerned. No one out doing the others or being "puck hogs". Makes for a much more enjoyable game to watch when they are evenly matched.
I also learned that Manchild will be carrying the American Flag for the highschool hockey game on Dec. 20th! He will be all dressed in his gear and skate around the rink with the flag. Teenage daughter is worried he will fall - oh she is not worried for him, but for HER! cause they will announce his name on the speaker when he comes out. (I think that's funny).
Later that morning we got home manchild chose the winner for the contest (Congrats Moi), Teenage daughter worked on homework, Mr. Cheeky slept, and I played in my craft room doing some last minute cards. Had some lunch and after a game of Warcraft Mr. Cheeky went ice fishing while I went back to the craft room.
We had Roasted Chicken Parmesean for dinner - oh my it was really really good and you know what - all I did was cook it. I got it from the deli at Costco! YUM! I wouldn't want it all the time but it was a nice treat when you don't feel like cooking (and its something different than Pizza).
MOI!!! Congrats!! I have some Christmas ones all ready if you are wanting to send them out for the holidays (and can send them to you tomorrow). Otherwise we can figure out what you want and I can get them to you.
THANKS to all who played. I had fun reading all your comments. I think I will do this again mid January and I will be making Valentine Cards for ya'll to win.
Special mention to Nap Warden who was the one with the MOST comments.
Comment Comment Comment!!! You can comment here - it works too....just comment.
Oh and Bunco - yeah I like it....details on Monday.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
10:05 AM ::
11 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Friday, December 07, 2007
Friday Randomness
Remember the contest ends Saturday at midnight - comment comment comment
So let me give you just a little bit of Friday Randomness while my banana nut muffins are baking (mmmmmmm that smell, can't you smell that smell...I digress).
Manchild never ceases to amaze me. Just yesterday during the day I was speaking with a friend (also a mother but she has 2 boys instead of a boy and a girl) about how manchild has been testing my limits. He is starting to enter those pre-pubescent (my .25 word of the day - thank you very much) years and is driving me nuts. So, I am waiting for him to get home, I am watching the clock. 3:40 not home yet (hmmm must be walking slow today). 3:45 not home yet (I bet he stopped along the way to play with his friends). 3:50 not home yet (he really should check with me before he just goes and plays, he knows I worry if he doesn't). 3:55 not home yet (seriously where is this kid). 4:00 not home yet (oh he is sooo gonna be in trouble and get "the lecture" when he gets home). At this point I look out the door to see if I see him playing outside. OH I see him alright but not playing - do you know what this kid was doing..........SHOVELING THE DRIVE! All by himself, WITHOUT being told to. By the time I looked out it was 75% done. I open the door and ask him if he wanted some help. "Nah, I am almost done" he says. When he gets in I ask him why he did it. He said "cause you didn't do it yet so I thought I would" (for the record I had already shoveled once - just hadn't done the second round yet). Now how can you stay irritated with a kid like that?
Teenage daughter is crackin me up these days. She is almost finished with drivers ed and will be getting her permit sometime next week - weather permitting cause I barely drive around in this crap - no way am I gonna let her at first.
Mr. Cheeky comes home today and will be home for the rest of the year (sounds like a long time huh?). So tomorrow after we do some shopping (groceries people - I am done with everything else except for 2 gift cards and I don't consider that shopping) we will be the idiots standing out in the snow grillin a honker! Yes, its been a while since I have had a good honker and well you can't get them as good as we do them at a restaurant and you can't do it that good inside - so outside it is!
Tonight I am doing something that can either be really fun or really stupid (doesn't it always seem that way - fun or stupid?). The ladies in the neighborhood (on the other right side - the left is the trouble makers) want to get together the first Friday of every month and play Bunco or is it Bunko - I don't know - I don't even know what it is. Part of me says, "go have a good time and meet the other side of the street neighbors", the other part of me says "this is going to be one huge gossip fest and you don't want to get caught up in that". I am going to listen to that positive side and go and see what happens.
OK the muffins are done (mmmmmm the house smells good ya'll) so I gots to go get me with that I am gonna leave you with a little song (I know I know I haven't been singing lately).......a little Toby Keith (an older one)..... Getcha Some....
Well boy meets girl and it's a good bet Girl's gonna play a little hard to get But they both got the same thing on their mind Ain't that the way that the world goes round Don't it get you up get you down It gets you walking around with a flashlight trying to find Love
Oooh gotta getcha some gotta getcha some gotta getcha some Oooh gotta getcha some........ love
Then boy sees girl with another guy What he wouldn't give just to catch her eye 'cause man She is so hot But you can't compete with a superstar He's got a big old house and little red car And what need is the one thing you ain't got money
Oooh gotta getcha some gotta getcha some gotta getcha some Oooh gotta getcha some......... money Oooh gotta getcha some gotta getcha some gotta getcha some Oooh gotta getcha some......... yeah
Then god smiles down from up above The money rolls in and they fall in love From the outside looking in it's a dream come true But as time goes by something turns up missing There's not enough hugging and not enough kissing Before to long they better do what they gotta do you know
Oooh gotta getcha some gotta getcha some gotta getcha some Oooh gotta getcha some......... babies Oooh gotta getcha some gotta getcha some gotta getcha some Oooh gotta getcha some.......... yeah
You know curtain climbers, and rugrats, and tricycle motors It don't matter what you call 'em you gotta have a whole house full of 'em Ain't nothing in the world like youngins getcha some
Don't forget to comment comment comment so you can win (see Tuesdays post) I will have a link to the goods tomorrow
Didn't know I was psychic did ya? It is snowing yet again today. Not supposed to be much 1-3 inches but still, its enough that I am going to have to go out and shovel - again.
Here is my prediction, as soon as Mr. Cheeky gets home, the snows will stop coming. It will not snow any more through the end of the year (cause he will be done traveling this year). THEN in January, when he has to travel again, we are gonna get snow EVERY time he travels so that I have to shovel it all by myself.
Before I begin remember to comment comment comment if you want to win the goodies (see post from Tuesday).
I stole this from the FABULOUS Pup. Go check hers out and tell her I sent ya.
My name...Cheeky (not what's on the birth certificate but was inspired by my very first internet buddy from - 1994/95 - GEESH that was a long time ago). My website.....this one I hail from .... currently in Minneapolis but not born here.
1. All I want for Christmas is.... two things - first for our family to be as goofy as we were in NC in early November and second, a new chair for my crafting room.
2 My favorite holiday cocktail.... its not really a "cocktail" but its a wonderful lemon/lime punch. No alcohol just lots of sugar and very addicting (one glass is never enough)
3. My favorite holiday party hors d'oeuvre.... cheeseball (that I make and its not just for the holidays)
4. The average price I spend per gift.... Kids? way too much. Friends and Family - depends on who and what but anywhere from $10 to $75.
5. My favorite gift to give during the holidays .... Something homemade - usually my cards or when time permits a scrapbook.
6. Something overrated about the holidays .... Gimme Gimme Gimme
7. Something I must have before Christmas .... time. I have a few handmade things that are in various stages of completion. I need to get the finished up in plenty of time to ship them.
8. One thing I always do during the holidays ... Get the bulk of my shopping done as early as possible. I don't like stressing out over it.
9. Where I love to shop for the holidays ..... everywhere. I like Black Friday just cause people are so nuts its funny. Go with a good attitude and laugh at others stressing out then you will realize you will be just fine LOL.
10. A holiday tradition I have .... My favorite holiday tradition started with my very first Christmas. Mr. Cheeky was out to sea. It was just me and Weezer and a sad little tree. I had one Christmas CD (Jim Reeves and Elvis and I still have it). At the end of the day after work and school I would turn on the music, turn on the tree, and turn off the rest of the lights and just enjoy it. When Teenage Daughter was born I included her in the ritual until she became a toddler and didn't want to sit still with me. Weezer was always there on my lap. After losing him in Oct of 06 I haven't done this since. I tried but its just not the same without Weezer.
11. One thing you won't find me doing during the holidays... Being a Scrooge. I tend to be generous throughout the year anyway but during this time it goes into overdrive.
12. What do you want for Christmas...Didn't I answer this is question one?
I am not tagging ya - you wanna do it - have at it. Just tell me you did and I will come check it out :)
OK I have been seeing a lot of contest kinds of things going around on blogs lately and I want in on the game. I think its fun. So here is what I propose....I am giving away 10 handmade cards (with matching envelopes) of your choice (assuming I have supplies on hand if you are wanting holiday cards - I am running low on some design components that I usually have to order). They can be Christmas, Birthday, Valentines Day, Thank You or Just Because cards. You can mix and match and choose whichever ones you want. I will be putting up a link with a sampling of cards you can choose.
How can you get these little goodies? COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT! Yep, that's all just read and comment (or if you wanna be a slacker you can just comment without reading but that's not any fun). At the end of the contest period I will put all the names in a bowl and let the manchild fish one out.
Since the holidays are fast approaching and someone may want these for the holidays I say the cut off will be Dec. 8th. I will hold the drawing the morning of the 9th and then notify the winner. If I don't have your email and if you are not a blogger (lurkers are welcome with this) make sure I have your email address so I can notify you.
Friday night - I went to pick up Mr. Cheeky from the airport. Stopped by and got a few groceries on the way home (exciting aren't we?). We planned our attack for the following morning. The snow was coming and we had things we had to get done. We had a nice evening but had to retire early cause Manchild had an early morning hockey practice on Saturday.
Ummmm slept in until 7:30. Practice was at 6:30 - yep we missed it. Got up and had a really yummy breakfast (Hashbrowns with ham, onions, jalapenos and cheese - see told ya - yummy). We usually have a really good breakfast on weekend days. Kept an eye on the radar. Snow was supposed to be here around noon. Plenty of time. After doing a few things we looked outside and ummmm - it was snowing. It was only 9:30. It was earlier than we expected. We modified our plan. We opted to get the tree - the lights would not be going up. So as the snow was falling fast and furious we were walking around trying to find the perfect tree. We found it. Its perfect. We got it in and put it in the garage for a while.
While we were out getting the tree, we stopped by the store and got a few items to make some snacks (I made a cheese ball and stuffed celery's also made a big pot of Chili for that evening's meal). We were gonna be settled in to watch the snow. We played games and just had a grand ol time. Teenage daughter's friend came over before the snow got too bad.
Some random comments:
"You wanna squirt - I'll bend over and give you a squirt" (now I was asking for a soda) "Do you know what to do when you are tail - fishing?" (of course we had follow ups with this one).
The chili was awesome. The snow finally stopped and Mr. Cheeky and I shoveled the driveway at 8pm. Afterwards, we stayed up late playing games and watching MadTV.
Sunday: Getting up fairly early again. Breakfast was yellow runny eggs (over easy for most of ya'll yellow runny for me) bacon and toast. Got the manchild up and fed and ready to go to practice.
I was upstairs folding Mr. Cheeky's shirts (cause I am the only one that can fold his dress shirt properly for packing) getting them ready to pack and he calls - we missed practice again. This time because we misread the schedule. Oh Joy! Actually there were two schedules - we apparently read the wrong one. They get home and Mr. Cheeky gets packed. Quick lunch and then off to the airport for another week of travel.
I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening in my craft room.
Overall an enjoyable weekend. Got some things done (the tree is bought and in the house - not decorated yet - that is Monday) others didn't get done (lights outside) and probably won't now that the snow is here.
Now on for the announcement.
Friday afternoon I received a call. As of December 31st my ability to work from home will come to an end. If you will recall, my company was bought out last summer/fall. This is a HUGE corporation that posted dismal reports for their 3rd quarter earnings (huge losses). Because of this, all contractors must go before the layoffs of regular employees. While our company isn't majorly effected (business as usual or so they have been told we will see if that remains to be the case later) the rule for contractors is across the board. So, I am done. Now I could form my own business and become "vendor" but I don't want to do that. Its a lot of money up front and nothing coming in for quite a long time on that one. No, I have much better things to do with my time.
I am amazingly OK with this (when I was laid off in the past I took it personal and got depressed, not this time). I have seen it coming for quite some time and made my peace with it then. I am not going to look for anything new for a while. At least until the spring and even then maybe only something part time to continue to fund my crafting habit. I have thrown around the idea of taking a few classes. Not for a new job but because I have wanted to learn these things. I have lots of pictures that need to be put into scrapbooks so that will keep me busy too. Of course now I have NO excuse for not getting on that treadmill daily.
Posted byWendy aka Cheeky ::
7:35 PM ::
15 Singing with Cheeky
Sing with Cheeky
Saturday, December 01, 2007
And the snow flakes fall all around
All around and the snow flakes fall all around.......Yep - you guessed it, its snowing. Wasn't supposed to start until noonish - started at 9:30am so no lights this year. We did manage to get out and get a tree though. This is the second one that is going to go in the front window.
I will have to update later and tell you how much snow we ended up with - forecasts are all over the place on that one.
Cheeky - who is singing.....It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....